Vagrant-based personal network lab - BGP

This is a small self contained new for playing with BGP and other network protocols. It uses VirtualBox to run a virtual Linux server hosting a few LXD containers running FRRouting routers. For a convenient access to the consoles of the virtual routers, ttyd is used to provide web-based terminal access.

The lab is highly customizable using Vagrant to provide the virtual server and Ansible to do the configuration. It should work on Windows, macOS and Linux.


  1. Install VirtualBox
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Clone or download and unpack ZIP of this repository somewhere
  4. Open a terminal window, enter the cloned repository directory and run $ vagrant up
  5. Wait a few minutes until vagrant finishes the preparation. Several hundred megabytes will be downloaded during the process.
  6. Access the lab environment by pointing your web browser to http://localhost:8080/

Stopping, restarting and destroying the lab

If you want to retain the settings of virtual routers, make sure you save their configuration by issuing the write command into the routers' consoles.

Then, you can turn off the VM by running $ vagrant halt in the same directory you run $ vagrant up before. You can use the latter command to restart the lab later.

You can destroy the lab environment by issuing $ vagrant destroy. A subsequent call of $ vagrant up will bring up a completely fresh environment.