
WORK IN PROGRESS example instance of openaps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


WORK IN PROGRESS example instance of openaps This is kind of a kitchen sink show case/demonstration of openaps capabilities. See the history for a complete accounting of the commands used.

using a commandline script as device plugin

The new process vendor: Let's say you have a node js script called iob.js:

openaps device add calciob process --require input node iob.js

Which says: create a device implemented by openaps vendor process, called calciob which runs the script node iob.js and has one argument, we'll refer to as input Then openaps use --format text calciob shell pump-history.json or similar can be used to try it out.

 $ openaps use --format text calciob shell pump-history.json 

When comfy, save the report configuration with:

openaps report add iob.json text calciob shell pump-history.json

which says: create a report called iob.json, which is the usage of device calciob, usage shell, (which is running node iob.js) with the argument pump-history.json... Since this node script happens to always print json, we're using the text output to save it as-is:

$ openaps report  invoke  iob.json 
reporting iob.json

OpenAps use commands adapt to your vendors and devices

After configuring some devices and custom vendors, this is what my openaps use menu looks like now:

$ openaps use -h
usage: openaps-use [-h] [--format {text,json,base,stdout}] [--output OUTPUT]
                   {agp,calciob,cgm,pump} ...

 openaps-use - use a registered device

positional arguments:
    agp                 AGP - calculate agp values given some glucose text
    calciob             process - a fake vendor to run arbitrary commands
    cgm                 Dexcom - openaps driver for dexcom
    pump                Medtronic - openaps driver for Medtronic

Four devices in the menu, all of them support -h output:

process vendor has a shell command

$ openaps use calciob -h
usage: openaps-use calciob [-h] {shell} ...

positional arguments:
  {shell}     Operation
    shell     run a process in a subshell

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

We can see that the input argument is also expected.

$ openaps use calciob shell -h
usage: openaps-use calciob shell [-h] input

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Custom python plugins

See agp plugin by @mgranberry, and my agp openaps plugin version

Once it's a subclass of openaps.uses.use.Use, openaps can use it:

$ openaps vendor -h
usage: openaps-vendor [-h] {add,remove,show} ...

  openaps-vendor - Manage vendor plugins.

positional arguments:
  {add,remove,show}  Operation
    add              Add a new vendor plugin to openaps-environment.
    remove           Remove vendor plugin from openaps-environment
    show             Show/list vendor plugins

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit

show    - lists all known vendors
add     - add a new vendor
remove  - remove a vendor
$ openaps vendor add -h
usage: openaps-vendor add [-h] [--path PATH] name

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --path PATH  Path to module's namespace

It knows if it's not a python module, let's try adding a non-existant module to see if anything bad happens:

$ openaps vendor add not-a-real-module
No module named not-a-real-module
not-a-real-module doesn't seem to be an importable python module
If it is a python module, try using --path to influence

agp.py is a valid python module, let's add that:

$ ls agp.py
+ ls agp.py
$ openaps vendor add agp
added agp://

Now it's available in the devices menu:

+ openaps device add -h
usage: openaps-device add [-h] name {dexcom,medtronic,process,agp} ...

positional arguments:
    dexcom              Dexcom - openaps driver for dexcom
    medtronic           Medtronic - openaps driver for Medtronic
    process             process - a fake vendor to run arbitrary commands
    agp                 AGP - calculate agp values given some glucose text

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Adding a device:

+ openaps device add my-agp agp -h
usage: openaps-device add name agp [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

+ openaps device add my-agp agp
added agp://my-agp

This adds a device named my-agp using the python module called agp.

Now we can use, use commands are derived from previously registered devices.

openaps use!

+ openaps use -h
usage: openaps-use [-h] [--format {text,json,base,stdout}] [--output OUTPUT]
                   {agp,calciob,cgm,my-agp,pump} ...

 openaps-use - use a registered device

positional arguments:
    agp                 AGP - calculate agp values given some glucose text
    calciob             process - a fake vendor to run arbitrary commands
    cgm                 Dexcom - openaps driver for dexcom
    my-agp              AGP - calculate agp values given some glucose text
    pump                Medtronic - openaps driver for Medtronic

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {text,json,base,stdout}
  --output OUTPUT
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Once a device is registered in openaps.ini, it can be used.

Let's try the agp:

+ openaps use my-agp -h
usage: openaps-use my-agp [-h] {agp} ...

positional arguments:
  {agp}       Operation
    agp       Calculate agp

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

It even has it's own -h help system.

+ openaps use my-agp agp -h
usage: openaps-use my-agp agp [-h] input

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Demonstrate usage:

+ openaps use --format text my-agp agp glucose.txt
[(0, (86, 121, 156, 222, 392)), (1, (39, 137, 155, 249, 318)), (2, (72, 124, 167, 247, 302)), (3, (97, 121, 168, 252, 339)), (4, (102, 143, 189, 241, 338)), (5, (103, 144, 171, 211, 327)), (6, (104, 157, 169, 204, 304)), (7, (103, 137, 185, 212, 302)), (8, (87, 95, 200, 252, 323)), (9, (74, 108, 195, 256, 278)), (10, (62, 103, 173, 241, 251)), (11, (100, 150, 171, 224, 250)), (12, (94, 132, 154, 194, 307)), (13, (76, 112, 141, 202, 248)), (14, (76, 100, 133, 180, 235)), (15, (77, 94, 121, 146, 197)), (16, (70, 78, 118, 150, 173)), (17, (61, 90, 114, 148, 163)), (18, (85, 93, 123, 152, 161)), (19, (65, 86, 121, 138, 199)), (20, (51, 67, 103, 117, 296)), (21, (39, 84, 99, 147, 289)), (22, (59, 83, 109, 165, 214)), (23, (87, 98, 131, 157, 304))]

This says, use device known as my-agp, running the agp use with the glucose.txt as the input argument. We're using the text formatter here to reduce the number of lines.