
First M8 is an Electron-based application built to make querying Prometheus instances much more accessible and approachable to those new to DevOps or seasoned veterans who want a more intuitive interface when monitoring and scraping data.

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Table of Contents


First M8 is an Electron-based application built to make querying Prometheus instances much more accessable and approachable to those new to Dev Ops or seasoned veterans who want a more intuitive interface when monitoring and scraping data.

• Drag-and-drop feature eliminates the chance of typing mistakes and greatly streamlines the process of writing complex queries.

• Users can visualize data that means the most to them in a way that is easy to digest without having to have prior knowledge of PromQL.

• One-stop-shop application monitoring remains, but users gain the ability to more easily track and separate their queries by different applications and Prometheus instances.

Getting Started

First M8 can be set up by bundling the electron app and running it as a native desktop App. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Make sure you're on the main branch

  2. Go to your terminal and type the following:

npm install

npm run build

npm run package-mac-arm //for arm-64 Mac OS


npm run package-mac-intel //for intel-based Macs


npm run package-win-64 // for windows computers

  1. In your First-M8 folder, navigate to the release-builds folder and double-click on FirstM8.app/exe (executable).


When you have opened the First M8 application:

  1. Select "Settings".

  2. Input Name, IP address, and Port for your Prometheus instance.

  3. Select the created setting from the pull-down menu.

  4. Click 'Create a Dashboard', name it and select the draggable metrics you want to monitor.

  5. Once you've selected your metrics and are satisfied with the query, click "Save".


Jung Ho (Alex) Lee @jungholee27

Derek Chen @derekchen

Nisa Lintakoon @nisalintakoon

Kevin MacCoy @kevinmaccoy

Looking Ahead

First M8 is currently in Alpha stage. Some features we look to implement in the future are:

  • Downloadable dashboard views and query history.
  • Connecting to Grafana viewer.
  • Handle more advanced Prometheus queries.
  • Add a space to track error logs and highlight trends that may need to be addressed.
  • There is currently no Mac installer. Coming soon!


This product is licensed under the MIT License -- see LICENSE.md file for more details.

This product is accelerated by OS Labs.