
Redline is an open-source tool that displays vital metrics for Redis instances. Redline is easy to set up, free to use, and alerts developers to performance issues, so that they can avoid constantly monitoring their applications Redis instances.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Redline Documentation

Website and Dev-tool: Redline


Redline is an open-source tool that displays vital metrics for Redis instances. Redline is easy to set up, free to use, and alerts developers to performance issues, so that they can avoid constantly monitoring their applications Redis instances. Redline monitors:

  • Used memory
  • Key space hits and misses
  • Instantaneous ops per second
  • Commands processed
  • Connected clients
  • Evicted and expired keys
  • and many more

Core Features

  • Customizable Metrics: Customize which metrics you want to have displayed in real-time.
  • Alerts: Set up alerts for individual metrics to be notified when a metric dips below or exceeds a specified value.
  • Login: Use your Google or Github login to quickly and securely access Redline and save your Redis instances.
  • Easy Set Up: Simply enter your Redis instance host, port, and password, give it a nickname, and click to connect.
  • Free: Redline removes a financial barrier to entry, making it accessible to all developers.

Getting Started

How do you use Redline for applications in production?

Navigate to Redline and set up a user account or click straight through to our monitoring tool. Users who opt to sign up using Auth0 are able to save their Redis instances.

getting started

Go to your Redis cloud console and copy your host, port and password from your configuration settings. Your port can be found after the colon in your endpoint.

redis instance

Add your Redis instance’s host, port, and password in the sidebar, and give it a unique nickname before you add it to your collection. Click on the nickname to display your metrics.


Redline will spin up the graphs for the performance metrics associated with the selected cache, and you can interact with our dynamic graphs to choose which metrics you would like to monitor.

Click the alert icon at the bottom of the chart you’d like to monitor, and enter the threshold value that will trigger the alert.

alert gif

How do you use Redline for applications in development?

There are two ways to use the application for development purposes. The first method:

  1. First, clone the repository from Github .
  2. Run docker build -t redline . in your terminal
  3. Run docker run -dp 3001:3000 redline in your terminal
  4. Navigate to localhost:3001. You should see the web application and enter your host, port, password (default is empty) and nickname.

Or, simply pull the image from Docker:

  1. Navigate to Docker Hub and pull the image using the command docker pull sakurakiyama/redline
  2. Run docker run -dp 3001:3000 sakurakiyama/redline in your terminal
  3. Navigate to localhost:3001. You should see the web application and enter your host, port, password (default is empty) and nickname.

If you're having any trouble, please refer to the images in the section above.

Tech Stack

Next.js | Typescript | React.js | PostgreSQL | Auth0 | Chart.js | SASS/CSS | Jest | Docker

How to Contribute

  1. Clone the repo and make a new branch
  2. Run docker build -t redline . in your terminal
  3. Run docker run -dp 3001:3000 redline in your terminal
  4. Add a feature, fix a big or refactor some code
  5. Write/update tests for the changes you made, if necessary
  6. Run unit tests and make sure all tests pass: npm test
  7. Open a Pull Request with a comprehensive description of changes to the dev branch
  8. Open a Pull Request to the docs and Contributors if necessary


Sakura Akiyama Github | LinkedIn

Luke Driscoll Github | LinkedIn

Alan Perng Github | LinkedIn

Elvin Yuen Github | LinkedIn