
The style guide for Oslo

MIT LicenseMIT

Style guide


  • Use tabs.

  • Use interfaces instead of types.

  • Use " instead of '.

  • Use let and const instead of var.

  • Use classes when applicable.

  • await instead of .then.

  • Separate type and regular imports.

    // bad
    import { someFunction, SomeType } from "foo";
    import { someFunction, type SomeType } from "foo";
    // good
    import { someFunction } from "foo";
    import type { SomeType } from "foo";
  • Mutability is fine.

  • Use Uint8Array instead of number arrays for representing bytes.

  • Comments should be properly capitalized.

Naming convention

  • Use camelCase for variables and functions, and SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for constants.

    let foo = 0;
    let fooBar = 0;
    const CONSTANT_VALUES_FOR_ALGORITHM = [1, 1, 1] as const;
  • Use PascalCase case for types, interfaces, and classes.

    interface FooBar {
      a: string;
  • Variable names should not start with is, has, etc. Those should be limited to functions that return booleans.

  • Avoid single letter variables.

  • Acronyms should be in uppercase unless they're the first word in the name.

    function createHTTPServer(): void {
      // ...
    let httpStatus: number;
    interface HTTPPOSTRequest {}


  • Use named functions instead of arrow functions for top-level function.

    // bad
    const foo = () => {};
    // good
    function foo() {}
  • Explicit return types, even for functions that don't return values.

    // bad
    function foo(a: number) {
      // ...
    // good
    function foo(a: number): number {
      // ...
    function foo(a: number): void {
      // ...
  • Functions should be strict in what values they accept and return. Do not use union types except for representing multiple string literals.

    // bad
    function foo(a: string | number): string | number {
      // ...
    // good
    function foo(a: string): string {
      // ...
    function foo(a: "a" | "b"): void {
      // ...
  • No object parameters unless specified otherwise.

    // bad
    function foo(args: { a: string; b: string }): void {
      // ...
    // good
    function foo(a: string, b: string): void {
      // ...
  • No optional parameters except for a single options object parameter.

    // bad
    function foo(a?: string): void {
      // ...
    // good
    function foo(options?: { a?: string }): void {
      // ...
  • Avoid callback functions unless necessary. Reconsider the API design.

    // avoid
    function foo(onEvent: () => void): void {
      // ...
  • Avoid boolean parameters. If necessary, it should be an optional property in the options parameter though you should reconsider the API design.

    // bad
    function foo(a: boolean): void {
      // ...
    // bad but better
    function foo(options?: { a?: boolean }): void {
      // ...
  • Throw errors. Don't return them.

  • Avoid complex type puzzles.

Control flow

If statements

  • Use {}.

    // bad
    if (condition) stuff;
    // good
    if (condition) {
  • Use shortcuts only for booleans.

    // bad
    if (thisIsABoolean === true) {
      // ...
    if (thisIsAString) {
      // ...
    // good
    if (thisIsABoolean) {
      // ...
    if (thisIsAString !== "") {
      // ...
  • Never use == or !=.


  • Embrace simple for loops. Don't try to force .map() and don't use .forEach().
  • Avoid switch statements.
  • Avoid finally.


  • Avoid method chaining, abstract classes, and protected methods.
  • No getters and setters.
  • No static methods and properties.
  • Properties, constructor, methods - in that order.
  • Inheritance is ok but avoid overriding methods and properties.