TileMill project focused on the Humanitarian Data Model

Primary LanguageShell


The HDM rendering is a Carto project, focusing on the Humanitarian Data Model.

Preview: http://hotosm.github.io/HDM-CartoCSS/

Compare: http://hotosm.github.io/HDM-CartoCSS/compare.html

## Deploying

Local configuration

Suggestion is to use cartocc for managing the local config (like db credentials, path to shp...). Have a look at the cartocc.json.sample file to quick start

Workflow to use it on TileMill:

  1. Clone this dir

  2. Symlink it in your MapBox/project directory with the name hdm

  3. Rename cartocc.json.sample to cartocc.json and adapt it

  4. run cartocc hdm: this will create a project.mml file with correct local config in the project dir

  5. Run tilemill

Importing data

We are using PostGIS, with the default osm2pgsql import style, AND with the hstore column. Ex.:

osm2pgsql -G -U ybon -d hdm data/haiti-and-domrep-latest.osm.pbf --hstore --create


  1. get the file from CGIAR

  2. Reproject it: gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4269 -t_srs EPSG:3785 -r bilinear srtm_22_09.tif haiti-3785.tif

  3. Create hillshade: gdaldem hillshade -co compress=lzw haiti-3785.tif haiti-hillshade-80-3785.tif -alt 80

  4. If you have more than one tiff for you covered area, merge them in a vrt file (remember to use absolute path): gdalbuildvrt haiti-hillshade.vrt ~/OSM/SRTM/srtm_22_09-hillshade-80-3785.tif ~/OSM/SRTM/srtm_23_09-hillshade-80-3785.tif

  5. Create contour line: gdal_contour -a height haiti-3785.tif haiti_contour_25m.shp -i 25.0

  6. Index shape file: shapeindex haiti_contour_25m.shp