Machine Learning in Python Workshop

The workshop is based on scikit-learn library.


  • Anaconda
  • plotly

The contents of the workshop:

  • Pre-processing & Feature Extraction
    • Pre-processing and visualisation
    • Feature Selection
    • Feature Extraction
  • Classification
    • Decision Trees and Random Forests
    • Support Vector Machines
    • Naïve Bayesian Classifier
    • K-Nearest Neighber
    • Logistic Regression
  • Regression
    • Generalized Linear Models
    • Ridge Regression (Regularization)
    • Bayesian Regression
  • Case study 1
    • Student Performance Regression & Classification study case
  • Clustering
    • Connectivity-based clustering (Hierarchical clustering)
    • Centroid-based clustering (K-means clustering)
    • Distribution-based clustering (Expectation-Maximization EM clustering)
    • Density-based clustering (DBSCAN)
  • Dimensionality Reduction
    • Principal Component Analysis
    • Feature agglomeration
  • Model Selection and Evaluation
    • Cross-validation: evaluating estimator performance
    • Tuning the hyper-parameters of an estimator
    • Model evaluation: quantifying the quality of predictions
    • Model Persistence
    • Validation curves: plotting scores to evaluate models
  • Case study 2
    • Individual household electric power consumption