Command line tool for working with OpenStreetMap data based on the Osmium library.
- aaronlidman@webflow
- alex85k
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- aofnerVienna, Austria
- baseonmarsBase on Mars Ltd
- catufunwaNew York, NY
- cz172638
- d1gOpenStreetMap
- drewda@interline-io
- e-kotovMax Planck Institute for Demographic Research
- felixebertIF-Core IT Services GmbH
- gaelsimonWoosmap
- gokceneraslanGenentech
- h4ck3rm1k3Introspector Software Services
- halolimatEarth
- ImreSamuBudapest, Hungary
- jcoupey@verso-optim
- jmmoserAWS
- jonataswalkerDasa
- lazureykis@codematters-llc
- lologhiParis
- mplatt
- mrsch
- muellermartin
- pkt
- puvogl
- rrozestw
- rudazhangUniversity of Houston
- skorasaurusCleveland Public Library
- slachiewiczGdańsk, Poland
- springmeyerDane Springmeyer LLC
- sw897china
- ThomasG77WebGeoDataVore
- tristen@mapbox
- vinnividivicciQuébec, Canada
- Xorlev@Google