
Command line and GUI tool for retrieving movie information from the Open Movie Data Base

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

*NIX command line and GUI tool for retrieving OMDb movie/TV information


Inorder to use the gui you will need to install Gooey

pip install Gooey

First set up an alias for the command:

alias omdbtool="python /path/to/omdbtool.py"

Or to for the gui:

alias omdbtool="python /path/to/omdbtool-gui.py"

Some interesting usage examples:

Show all info about movie 'Cars'

omdbtool -t Cars

Show all info about series firefly

omdbtool -t firefly --type series

Show all info about season 1 epoisde 1 of firefly

omdbtool -t firefly --season 1 --episode 1

Show all info about season 1 of firefly

omdbtool -r JSON -t firefly --season 1 

Show all info about latest 'True Grit' movie

omdbtool -t "True Grit"

Show all info about 1969 version of 'True Grit'

omdbtool -t "True Grit" -y 1969

Show best guess for a misspelled name

omdbtool -t "Ture git"

Print movie's rating

omdbtool -t Cars | sed -n '/^imdbrating/{n;p;}'

Download movie's poster

omdbtool -t Cars | wget `sed -n '/^poster/{n;p;}'`

Additional useful features:

Include full plot summary (not available for some movies)

omdbtool -t "True Grit" --plot full

Include additional data from Rotten Tomatoes

omdbtool -t "True Grit" --tomatoes

Show info by IMDb id

omdbtool -i tt0103064

Print raw JSON or XML data

omdbtool -t Cars -r JSON

Print data formated as html

omdbtool --format html -t cars

Print data formated as markdown

omdbtool --format markdown -t cars

Example to get ratings for all movies in current directory (it will use directory and file names as movie titles):

Save following code to file get_ratings.sh (make sure to update the path in line 3):

ls -1 | 
while read title; do
  res=`python /path/to/omdbtool.py -t "$title"`
  rating=`echo "$res" | sed -n '/^imdbrating/{n;p;}'`
  restitle=`echo "$res" | sed -n '/^title/{n;p;}' | sed s/*//g`
  year=`echo "$res" | sed -n '/^year/{n;p;}'`
  echo "$title  *  $restitle  *  $year  *  $rating"

Then execute the saved command to fetch all the ratings: ./get_ratings.sh > ratings.txt (it'll take a while to retrieve all the data). Then you can open the ratings.txt file to see the movie ratings, or you can sort the movies by ratings to pick the best one to watch: < ratings.txt sort -t* -k4 -r


  • requires Python 2.7+ (or earlier with installed argparse package)
  • for using it on Windows with Cygwin (which currently comes with Python 2.6) check out this guide
  • thanks to creator of this great site called OMDBAPI

I was aware of this existing tool but unfortunately it was broken at the time I tried it. My implementation relies on the third-party API that handles up to 2 million queries a day, so it's safe to assume that it's author will be keeping it up to date.


This tool is licensed under GNU Lesser GPL license.