
:computer: Multi Platform OSMOSE Desktop Wallet

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OSMOSE Desktop Wallet

OSMOSE Desktop Wallet

Lead Maintainer: Alex Barnsley


Latest Release




In Ubuntu the development files of libudev are necessary:

sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev


  • Python 2.7
  • Visual Studio 2017

Node 12

To download, head over to here and download Node 12.

If you already have npm installed, you can run

npm install -g n
sudo n 12


Install the Yarn dependency manager

npm install -g yarn


List of commands
# Install dependencies
yarn install

# Execute the application. Making changes in the code, updates the application (hot reloading).
yarn dev

# Lint all JS/Vue files in the `src` and `__tests__`
yarn lint

# Lint, and fix, all JS/Vue files in `src` and `__tests__`
yarn lint:fix

# Check that all dependencies are used
yarn depcheck

# Collect the code and produce a compressed file
yarn pack

# Build electron application for production (Current OS)
yarn build

# Build electron application for production (Windows)
yarn build:win

# Build electron application for production (Mac)
yarn build:mac

# Build electron application for production (Linux)
yarn build:linux

# Run unit and end-to-end tests
yarn test

# Run unit tests
yarn test:unit

# Run unit tests and generate and display the coverage report
yarn test:unit:coverage

# Run unit tests and watch for changes to re-run the tests
yarn test:unit:watch

# Run end-to-end tests, without building the application
yarn test:e2e

# Build the application and run end-to-end tests
yarn test:e2e:full

# List what translations are missing or unused on a specific language. It could capture suggestions that are not accurate
yarn i18n 'src/renderer/i18n/locales/LANGUAGE.js'

# List what English messages are missing or unused (English is the default language)
yarn i18n:en-US

# List what translations are missing or unused on every language
yarn i18n:all


If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to sec@osmose.world. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


MIT © ARK Ecosystem