
We will be creating a campaign to successfully bring Edubadges to the Belgian public in the future. The communication plan will inform the viewer about Edubadges and its advantages.

Edubadges Belgium

Edubadges Belgium is an effort to bring the Edubadges platform (developed by Surf in The Netherlands) to Belgium as a microcredentialing solution for (higher) education & beyond.

This effort consists of :

  • the building of a Proof of Concept in which we try to deploy a first version of an own Edubadges instance that is independent from the Surf instance and it's connected services. This POC consists of a front-end, back-end (api) and validator server for which you can find the code repositories here: https://github.com/edubadges-be

  • A campaign that promotes to start experimenting with Microcredentials & Edubadges in Flandres. This campaign is being worked out by a team of students at osoc21: Lies Heylen & Marie De Lange supported by coaches Emma Stoks & Bert Jehoul. All documentation & related research will be made available via this osoc21 repository.

  • A lessons learned reporting based on findings of the POC and the research during Open Summer of Code, which will help define what is needed to move this POC into a real Microcredentials Pilot, both technically for development, as practically for the stakeholders that are seeking a microcredentialing solution.

What are microcredentials

As defined in the European approach to micro-credentials report :

A micro-credential is a qualification evidencing learning outcomes acquired through a short, transparently-assessed course or module.

Micro-credentials may be completed on-site, online or in a blended format.

The flexible nature of these qualifications allow learning opportunities to be opened up to citizens, including those in full-time employment.

This makes micro-credentials a highly flexible, inclusive form of learning allowing the targeted acquisition of skills and competences.

Micro-credentials are offered by higher and vocational education and training (VET) institutions, as well as by private organisations.

They can be particularly useful for people want to:

  • build on their knowledge without completing a full higher education programme
  • upskill or reskill to meet labour market needs or to develop professionally after starting work

What are edubadges

Edubadges are digital credentials that use the Open Badges standard.

A badge is a digital piece of evidence with which a student demonstrates that he or she has mastered certain skills or knowledge.

In the context of lifelong development, students and employees are increasingly being educated or gaining experience at various institutions, both in their own country and abroad. Badges are a great instrument to make acquired knowledge and skills visible and 'portable'

Edubadges was developed by Surf in The Netherlands based on Badgr which is developed by Concentric Sky and serves as an open source reference implementation of the Open Badges Specification.

The Open Badges 3.0 proposal aligns the IMS Global Open Badges Specification to the conventions of the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model on which the data model for the European Digital Credentials Infrastructure is also based (as an extension to it).

Partners of Edubadges Belgium

Edubadges Belgium POC is an initiative by Arteveldehogeschool in cooperation with Hogeschool Gent, Karel de Grote Hogeschool & Thomas More.

The POC application is hosted & supported by Belnet and being developed by KodeKlub in partnership with Open Knowledge Belgium.

Interested to be part of Edubadges Belgium? Contact us via bert@openknowledge.be .