
Creating a selection tool for recruiters giving them the opportunity to collaborate in real time while having an overview of all the candidates, resulting in diverse, innovative teams for all orgranisations. Giving orgranisations the opportunity to find the best candidates and match them to the preferred team

Primary LanguageNunjucks

open summer of code "selection tool"


This tool consumes the applicant information from the Tally "student application form".
All the applicant responses are manually added to the tool, as well as the projects.

Flow of the application

We are currently improving the existing selection tool and working in this github-repository.

Student recommendations

A coach can filter & look into the details of each student. They can then recommend either "yes", "maybe" or "no".

Confirm selected students

An admin can confirm the status of a student to "Yes", "Maybe", "No", or "Undecided"


Each project has 1 or more coaches & roles that need to be filled in. They are added manually.

Filer students

All the students are listed, they can be filtered on either:

  • 1 or more of the 12 roles
  • only alumni
  • only student coach volunteers
  • include students you've suggested for
  • current confirmed status of "Yes", "Maybe", "No" or "Undecided

Draft a student for a project

On the projects-overview page:
A coach can drag & drop a student over a project-card and suggest a student for a specific role with a motivation why.


When a student is assigned to more than 1 project a "conflict" arises.
The user can see the conflict(s) listed for each person.
A small listing of advice is listed to why a student could be better suited.
Removing a student from a project to solve the conflict can be done by clicking the X next to the name.

Current Data-structure

The data fed to the tool is now done manually by a developer. All student applications as well as projects are uploaded to Google Firebase.


The data is stored in 4 collections:

  • projects
    consists of the assigned (drafted) students and for which role, coaches, project-info & required profiles
  • students
    consists of all the collected information from the registration form
  • suggestions
    linking to a student-id & consists of a coach their suggestion + motivation
  • users
    each having a uuid, consists of admin(Y/N), displayName &


We took into account these factors to improve the tool:

  • GDPR
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Feedback from students
  • Feedback from coaches
  • User friendly
  • More data flexibility with own database
  • Automatisation


We took into account what questions we legally can ask the applicants in the form.
Making manual data input from form-data into the tool obsolete, makes the tool more GDPR.
(Future): Allowing the student to edit/view their student- application/information


Diversity is a key value on the whole tool.
We did research on how to include all genders and pronouns. This flow starting from the application form > database > user information in the tool.
Research on defining "diversity" itself by not only gender was also included.

Feedback from students

We want each student to let their application shine. Asking about feedback from the users helped us to fill in the blanks which could be improved & we missed.

Feedback from coaches

We asked the users of the tool, which are the coaches about functionalities or missing features about the tool.

User friendly

Brainstorming, scoping and reviewing both feedback helped us improve the application form & the tool itself.

More data flexibility with own database

Moving away from Firebase and creating our own database, makes querying everyting much faster. Because a database is more structured it is also future-proof when a new feature/table would be added.


Because we want less devs to be present for every data transaction, we changed form-providers from Tally to Typeform. Connecting a webhook to our own database letting it update automatically.
(future) : We want to notify students on their "status" for osoc

Created by Team Sherlock