
We strive to make the world more accessible for people with a physical disability by creating a web application where public places and data about accessibility will be mapped, so that it will become available to consult, add and analyze.

Primary LanguageHTML

Project OnWheels

This repo contains the website and some documentaion for the OnWheels project. If you want to find out more about the project, take a look at the GitHub pages website and the Medium article

NOTE: The actual source code of this project can be found in the MapComplete repo.


Our GitHub pages is built from the src folder.


Installation & Usage

Look at: Development & deployment.




License: GPL v3

Data documentation

If you want to have a look at all the tags being used, take a look at the actual theme.

Import process

For this project we designed a process using MapRoulette and MapComplete. Details can be found in the Import.md file.