
Read and generalize the configuration

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Read and generalize the configuration


A list of variables required for a program's execution environment can be obtained in several ways:

  • Environment Variables
  • Configuration files
  • Command-line arguments
  • etc ...

Especially if you're deploying as a container, you need to reference a file like /run/secrets/... (docker swarm secret) to read the variable.

I developed the generalize-config library because I needed a way to unify environment variables from multiple places into one.



pip install generalize-config


Configuration file

Reading extension-based configuration files

  host: localhost
  port: 8080
from argparse import Namespace
from generalize_config import read_config_file

config = read_config_file("/path/config/file.yml", "envs", encoding="utf-8")
assert isinstance(config, Namespace)
assert "localhost" == config.host
assert 8080 == config.port

The supported extension types are:

  • YAML extensions: .yml, .yaml
  • JSON extensions: .json
  • CFG extensions: .cfg, .ini

⚠️ When using a CFG file, there must be 1 subsection argument.

Environment variable

Environment Variable Filtering

from argparse import Namespace
from generalize_config import read_os_envs

config = read_os_envs(prefix="APP_", suffix="_VALUE")
assert isinstance(config, Namespace)
assert "localhost" == config.http_host

Filter environment variables and read files:

from argparse import Namespace
from generalize_config import read_os_envs_file

# APP_DATABASE_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/password
config = read_os_envs_file(prefix="APP_", suffix="_FILE")
assert isinstance(config, Namespace)
assert isinstance(config.database_password, str)

Merge namespaces

from argparse import Namespace, ArgumentParser
from generalize_config import merge_left_first

parser = ArgumentParser()
# add_argument ...
args = parser.parse_known_args()[0]

result = Namespace()
merge_left_first(result, args, ...)

Generalized method

The recommended reading order is:

  1. Fixed variable (higher priority)
  2. Command line arguments
  3. Configuration file received as a command line argument
  4. Environment Variables
  5. Configuration file received as environment variable
  6. Environment variable pointing to file
  7. Default variable (low priority)

The function that implements the above is read_generalize_configs:

from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
from generalize_config import read_generalize_configs

parser = ArgumentParser()
# add_argument ...

default_args = Namespace(...)

result = read_generalize_configs(

Things to know

When using argparse.ArgumentParser you need to make sure that all values not entered are returned as None. Otherwise, the merge_left_first function may malfunction.

Also, variables acquired through CFG files and environment variables are fixed as string type. To solve this you need to deserialize like this:

Install type-serialize:

pip install type-serialize

Add type annotation to Namespace and then call deserialize:

from argparse import Namespace
from generalize_config import read_generalize_configs
from type_serialize import deserialize

class Config(Namespace):
    host: str
    port: int
    # ...

ns = read_generalize_configs(...)
config = deserialize(ns, Config)
assert isinstance(config, Config)



See the LICENSE file for details. In summary, generalize-config is licensed under the MIT license.