
Akiluna Photography - portraits and landscape.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Akiluna Photography

Akiluna Photography - portraits and landscape photography. http://akilunaphotography.com

Akiluna Photography

Set-up and installation:

  1. git clone https://github.com/osonwanne/akilunaphotography.git

  2. cd akilunaphotography

  3. virtualenv .

  4. source bin/activate

  5. pip install -r requirements.txt

(Optional - resolves ImportErrors on Ubuntu)

  • sudo apt-get build-dep python-imaging
  • sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libjpeg62-dev
  • pip install Pillow
  • easy_install django-treebeard
  • sudo apt-get install python-unicodecsv
  • pip install glue
  1. python manage.py migrate

  2. python manage.py collectstatic

  3. python manage.py runserver