Prune Your Model Before Distill It


This is an PyTorch implement of the paper ``Prune Your Model Before Distill It''.

Table of Contents

1 How to run

1.1 Full framework

python --pre_train --pruning --kd
  1. code progress
  • Train the model. (default: vgg-19 on cifar100)

  • Proceed with pruning the previously trained model. (default: lr-rewinding, 0.79 pruning ratio)

  • KD the model with previously pruned model. (default: vanilla KD|vgg19-rwd-st79|cifar100)

  • To test the full framework: python --pre_train --pruning --kd

  • You can check all argument using 'help' command and change them to .json file. (json file path should be experiments/hyperparam)

  • Default setting is vgg19 (79% weight pruned) teacher and vgg19-rwd-st79 student.

  • All training result will be stored in result/data.

  • If you want to run training | pruning | kd separately, you can refer to 1.2/1.3/1.4 below.

  • In this version, we provide the student model used in the experiment. (Structured pruning applied)

  • If you want to use the end-to-end student model, use --student_model vgg-custom. This creates a VGG student model according to the teacher model (only VGG is currently available and ResNet version will be updated)

1.2 Train Model

The following command will train the model.

python --pre_train
  • Run model training only.

1.3 Prune the Teacher

python --pruning
  • Run model pruning only.
  • Put the trained model to be pruned as .pth in the experiments/trained_model folder. Put the name of the model in the --pre_model_name argument. The model name is separated by _.
  • If the name of the trained model is vgg19_trainedmodel.pth then you can directly edit the prune_default.json in experiments/hyperparam or enter python commands to run it. ex) python --pruning --pre_model_name vgg19_traindmodel

1.4 Distill the Teacher to Student

python --kd
  • Run KD only
  • Put the teacher model to be pruned as .pth in the experiments/teacher_model folder. Put the name of the model in the --teacher_model_name argument. The model name is separated by _.
  • If the name of the teacher model is vgg19_pruned.pth then you can directly edit the kd_default.json in experiments/hyperparam or enter python commands to run it. ex) python --kd --teacher_model_name vgg19_pruned
  • If you want to use the end-to-end student model, use --student_model vgg-custom. This creates a VGG student model according to the teacher model (only VGG is currently available and ResNet version will be updated)

1.5 Available models

  • CIFAR100
    cifar100_models = {
  • Tiny-ImageNet
    tiny_imagenet_models = {

2 ResNet Optimization

  • We experimented in different ways in ResNet optimization for Tiny-ImageNet.

If the maxpooling layer is used in conv1, a larger batche_size and learning rate should be used, and the accuracy gain obtained by using the pruned teacher may slightly decrease.