Repository for lean language short course at University of Tehran - Spring 2019

Primary LanguageLean


Repository for lean language short course at University of Tehran - Spring 2019

In this repository you will find sample files written in class.

Install LEAN

to install lean, check here you only need too put folder somewhere and add bin to enviroment variables.

then in terminal (git bash for windows) check lean -v command. you should get some output like this.

Lean (version 3.4.2, commit cbd2b6686ddb, Release)
  • note that it might be version 3.x.x!

after installing lean, it recommended to use Visual Studio Code, and in VsCode you can install lean plugin to have interactive output for your codes.

You can use its online version too.

Project and Exercises

Project template files and excercises will be here soon


You can download lean books from this repo too.