
Simple script for downloading Youtube comments without using the Youtube API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple script for downloading Youtube comments without using the Youtube API. The output is in line delimited JSON.


Preferably inside a python virtual environment install this package via:

pip install youtube-comment-downloader

Or directly from the GitHub repository:

pip install https://github.com/egbertbouman/youtube-comment-downloader/archive/master.zip


$ youtube-comment-downloader --help
usage: youtube-comment-downloader [--help] [--youtubeid YOUTUBEID] [--url URL] [--output OUTPUT] [--limit LIMIT] [--language LANGUAGE] [--sort SORT]

Download Youtube comments without using the Youtube API

optional arguments:
  --help, -h            Show this help message and exit
  --youtubeid YOUTUBEID, -y YOUTUBEID
                        ID of Youtube video for which to download the comments
  --url URL, -u URL     Youtube URL for which to download the comments
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output filename (output format is line delimited JSON)
  --limit LIMIT, -l LIMIT
                        Limit the number of comments
  --language LANGUAGE, -a LANGUAGE
                        Language for Youtube generated text (e.g. en)
  --sort SORT, -s SORT  Whether to download popular (0) or recent comments (1). Defaults to 1

For example:

youtube-comment-downloader --youtubeid ScMzIvxBSi4 --output ScMzIvxBSi4.json

or using the URL:

youtube-comment-downloader --url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScMzIvxBSi4 --output ScMzIvxBSi4.json

For Youtube IDs starting with - (dash) you will need to run the script with: -y=-idwithdash or --youtubeid=-idwithdash