
Example of OpenTok using PHP and MySQL

//Author:   Thomas J Osowski
//Company:  TokBox 2011

Welcome to the AllStarRoom example

This sample project requires a php-capable server with a mySQL database and 
the OpenTok API server-side library.  Developed and tested using Apache.

1. Copy this repository to a hosted web directory
2. Update the OpenTok SDK directory to the latest.  The file SDK/API_Config.php
    requires your personal API_KEY and API_SECRET entered.  See the following 
    links for more information: 
3. Import the mySQL database tokboxDB.sql to your local DB.
4. Modify the *.php files in the root directory to use a valid login to your DB
   //Change this
   $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'thomas', 'default');
The application is provided as an educational tool and comes with no warrenty.  
Use at your own risk.