
How to remove decimals?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for your great library. Easy and reliable.

I am trying to display

100 => $100 and not $100,00.

How to achieve it ?


My quick fix for now :

  const removeDecimals=(formattedPrice, decimalCharacter)=> {
    const reg = '[' + decimalCharacter + ']{1}[0-9]*';
    const regex = new RegExp(reg);
    return formattedPrice.replace(regex, '');
osrec commented

Hi there!

The easiest way to do this is to define a pattern with no zeros after the dot (the dot is the decimal separator):

OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.format(123.9, { pattern: "#,##." });

There is a little bug in the library which means you still need to insert the dot, even if there are no zeros after it. We will fix this and release shortly :)