- 0
Wrong format MXN
#41 opened by bglobalnet - 0
Currencies and countries in JSON
#40 opened by ThiagoFelippi - 5
Is it possible to extend this to cover crypto?
#35 opened by b0y2k - 0
NaN parsing CVE currency value
#38 opened by deepak786 - 0
Behaviour for '#' and '0'
#37 opened by manojchandrashekar - 0
any info on using this with webpack?
#36 opened by fake-fur - 0
How use it on NPM?
#34 opened by magarrent - 1
- 6
Venezuelan Bolivar re-denomination
#25 opened by ienev - 3
Optionally remove symbol from formatting
#29 opened by jdwillemse - 1
- 2
Prevent number ticking from displaying on the dom
#31 opened by mlg87 - 1
Parsing force toFixed 2 decimals
#28 opened by cdiaz - 1
Missing ES6 feature transpile
#16 opened by cat2608 - 3
- 5
Best Practice for Customizing formatAll ?
#24 opened by MikeSteigerwald - 5
- 2
Can't disable symbol
#22 opened by borys-p - 1
Rounding Off Issue
#27 opened by sanyamagrawal - 0
symbol wrong direction
#23 opened by mtx62 - 2
ReactJS support
#17 opened by obliviga - 3
- 1
Convert numbers into USD
#12 opened by jrock2004 - 1
It seems that some versions in npm missed
#5 opened by nolsherry - 2
How to remove decimals?
#10 opened by stefdelec - 1
RON is missing from documentation
#9 opened by cristiancalara - 4
- 3
#4 opened by checkonetwo - 3
The latest version in npm
#3 opened by nolsherry - 1
Publish the package on
#1 opened by ADmad