
ros2cli network tests

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Test the basic functionality of the ros2cli package family in an environment where nodes are running on other machines on the network.


  • DDS: ConnextDDS
  • Chip set: AMD64
  • Build type: Binary
  • OS: Windows



Step 1 - Node discovery

With another node running, use ros2 node list to ensure that the expected node is listed. Then stop the node and ensure that the list operation no longer shows the node.

Step 2 - Topic discovery

With another node running, use ros2 topic list to ensure that the expected topics are listed. Then stop the node and ensure that the list operation no longer shows the node's topics.

Step 3 - Service discovery

With another node running, use ros2 service list to ensure that the expected services are listed. Then stop the node and ensure that the list operation no longer shows the node's services.

Step 4 - Parameter discovery

With another node running, use ros2 param list to ensure that the expected parameters are listed. Then stop the node and ensure that the list operation no longer shows the node's parameters.