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This is a sanity check to ensure that the GUI tools aren't fundamentally broken.


  • Build type: Sounce
  • DDS: CycloneDDS
  • Chip set: AMD64
  • OS: Windows



Check RQT

Launch using the rqt command.

The rqt window should be generally usable and should be able to populate some of the discovered plugins.


# StdIn - terminal 1
ros2 launch dummy_robot_bringup dummy_robot_bringup_launch.py
# StdIn - terminal 2

In the RQT window, select 'Plugins > Visualization > Plot' in the dropdown menu. In the window that opens, set the Topic to /joint_states/position[0]. You should see a Sine wave.

With 'Plugins > Introspection > Node Graph' you should see a network of the nodes and topics that are being published and subscribed by the dummy robot.

With 'Plugins > Logging > Bag' you should be able record a ROS Bag file.

With 'Plugins > Topic > Topic Monitor' you should be able to check the /joint_states topic and view messages streaming in.

Expected Result

Rqt runs smoothly and the plugins work as expected.