
Peer Description not available from WatchEventResponse

nazevedo-equinix opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm wanting to set a custom description on each peer that I configure. In my test app I have the following code:

	results, err := client.WatchEvent(context.Background(), &api.WatchEventRequest{
		Peer:  &api.WatchEventRequest_Peer{},
		Table: &api.WatchEventRequest_Table{},

	go func(ctx context.Context, client api.GobgpApiClient, results api.GobgpApi_WatchEventClient) {
		for {
			r, err := results.Recv()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("there's an error: %+v", err)

	}(context.Background(), client, results)

	for i := 0; i <= 10; i++ {
		client.AddPeer(context.Background(), &api.AddPeerRequest{Peer: &api.Peer{
			ApplyPolicy: nil,
			Conf: &api.PeerConf{
				AuthPassword:        "",
				Description:         "test-description",
				LocalAsn:            0,
				NeighborAddress:     fmt.Sprintf("1.1.1.%d", i),
				PeerAsn:             1234,



When I log the event, I'm only getting the local_asn, neighbor_address and peer_asn in the peer config message.

EVENT &{type:STATE  peer:{conf:{local_asn:64512  neighbor_address:""  peer_asn:1234}  state:{local_asn:64512  neighbor_address:""  peer_asn:1234  session_state:IDLE  router_id:"<nil>"}  transport:{local_address:"<nil>"}}}

How can I get access to the description field?

I tried

description := event.Peer.Peer.Conf.Description

But that always returns an empty string.