- 2
flowspec redirect next-hop ipv4 & ipv6
#2810 opened by easternboyz - 1
- 2
Listen port doesn't change from 179
#2847 opened by azi1233 - 0
Possible Bug? GoBGP does not accept routes when peer AS and confederation sub AS are same.
#2846 opened by RajdeepMondal - 0
Broken peering with IPv6 local transport address
#2844 opened by rastislavs - 0
BGP UPDATE parsing fails when BGP_ADD_PATH is receive but not negotiated
#2840 opened by usama6naseer - 0
EVPN BGP attributes: origin and local preference
#2838 opened by behzad-kh - 4
reload: 50051: bind: address already in use
#2829 opened by qin-nz - 1
- 0
gobgp route is not deleted when it is updated to a loopped as path that is rejected by neighbor.
#2832 opened by caili1981 - 0
fatal: systemstack called from unexpected goroutine
#2831 opened by caili1981 - 2
Should manual peer deletion trigger a Peer Event?
#2830 opened by maxime-peim - 2
ListDefinedSet error: invalid defined-set type
#2826 opened by AbhishekRamamurthy - 1
gobgp cannot get routes from zebra debian 12/11
#2822 opened by morhold - 0
After route synchronization, a change in policy does not cause a change in routes, but actual routers would respond accordingly
#2821 opened by blackbutton - 0
- 0
GoBGP not generating Path-ID automatically for vpnv4 routes even after enabling add-path send capability
#2819 opened by AnanthNantha - 0
gobgp CLI can't list bgp-ls rib
#2818 opened by tankII - 3
v3 API ignores Global ApplyPolicy configuration
#2814 opened by dswaffordcw - 0
- 0
peer-groups does not accept send-software-version
#2767 opened by robbat2 - 0
- 0
- 0
No Peer Down after hold timer expires
#2801 opened by veMfoaXQ - 3
how to support two local ip add same bgp-routes
#2795 opened by zhouguoyang777 - 3
bgp_unnumbered_test and route_server_ipv4_v6_test failed due to IPv6 is not enabled in test container un_g1
#2791 opened by zhihuacc - 0
Unit Test failed with master at commit 5d5a6b9afea07f088a30a9493683427a4fb10ebe
#2790 opened by zhihuacc - 0
eBGP peering in multiple VRFs
#2789 opened by mushrushu - 0
Zebra Redistribute into BGP-LS
#2788 opened by beith12 - 0
Imlement Addpaths Paths Limit capability
#2786 opened by ton31337 - 7
- 0
- 4
srv6-policy injected but fail to Distribute and take effect on peer device(cisco/huawei)
#2773 opened by rosa-w - 10
- 1
Is MinimumAdvertisementInterval fully supported?
#2766 opened by t0mmmy90 - 0
feat: gRPC command logging
#2762 opened by robbat2 - 1
Default policy if statement was not found
#2759 opened by sebasttiano - 0
BMP's multipath support issue
#2757 opened by sephiroth81 - 16
Does goBGP support batch collection of full routing tables of specified AFI and SFAFI types through gRPC API (acquire in batches and multiple times)?
#2747 opened by wangchong2023 - 0
Does the goBGP client gRPC API support obtaining the startup time, goBGP software version and build time of the process?
#2756 opened by wangchong2023 - 0
Some questions about watchEvent listening
#2755 opened by chentyhehe - 7
Why does bmp not support MultiPathList?
#2746 opened by sephiroth81 - 4
Limit number of announces in GoBGP RIB per AFI
#2749 opened by pavel-odintsov - 2
Quick EVPN question
#2748 opened by m1waterman88 - 0
it is possible to speed up advertisement prefix?
#2744 opened by kmorales026 - 3
Failed to parse issue
#2743 opened by dan010 - 2
- 3
Is there a way to add BGP extended communities like encapsulation and origin via rib add command?
#2738 opened by AnanthNantha - 0
Question about RFC6286
#2737 opened by nhegde-equinix - 4
Gobgp does not check the length of the received `Capability Length` of the `Software Version Capability`
#2732 opened by GoldBinocle