
Primary LanguageJava



Requires: openjdk-7 maven >= 3.2.5 tomcat >= 7.054

Installation Instructions:

  1. git clone the project to your local machine (https://github.com/oss/OAuth2v1)
  2. install maven and tomcat on your machine
  3. copy the contents of the conf files in the conf-files directory in the git project to the following locations: settings.xml: /etc/maven/settings.xml tomcat-users.xml: /usr/share/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
  4. Add Client ID, and Client Secret parameters to GoogleAuthHelper.java
  5. inside the project, run the following command: mvn clean compile tomcat:run
  6. Browse to: http://localhost:8080/OAuth2v1/ Click "log in with google" on top of this page