
Rocket science project to build my first spacecraft with Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



This web server does a couple of things:

  1. loads spacecraft from a JSON file
  2. launches a web server exposing a single endpoint reachable via the address /spacecraft with a GET request

The Getspacecraft handler

The request will accept two parameters provided via the query string:

  • the pageSize option specifying how many spacecraft the requested page should have
  • the pageNumber option specifying which page number you care about

Both of the above-mentioned parameters could be omitted. If that's the case, two default values will be used.

The endpoint will reply with the following HTTP responses:

  1. 200 if everything goes right
  2. 400 in case of a malformed incoming HTTP request
  3. 500 for any other unexpected errors

It also sleeps for one second to emulate a heavy workload on it.

How to run it

Navigate to the folder cmd/server and issue the command go run .. It terminal should wait for any incoming HTTP requests.

How to test it

Issue the following cURL command: curl "http://localhost:8080/spacecraft?pageSize=100&pageNumber=0"

Please note that you need to wrap the address within double quotes. Otherwise, the OS interprets the & character as the terminator of the command and you'll get unexpected behavior.

To run the test suite issue the command: go test -v -cover Please be sure to be located within the internal/handlers folder.

Integration tests

Within the test folder at the root level, you can also find integration tests. To run them you need to issue (located within the test folder):

go test -v

To accomplish these tests a couple of things have been used:

  1. the testcontainers package to build a temporary image starting from a Dockerfile
  2. the testify library to ease the test experience. Specifically, we used the assert, require, and suite packages

How to deploy it

To deploy the web server, there is a Dockerfile, located at the root directory of the project, that allows you to build a Docker image. To build it, be sure to be at the same level as the Dockerfile, then run:

docker build -t <name of the Docker image> .

A tiny image should appear between yours. To check it run:

docker image list

Finally, to run a container based on this image, run what follows:

docker run -p 7000:8080 spacecraft-web

It maps our host 7000 port to the 8080 of the Docker container making it reachable from outside. To manually test the web server from the container, issue:

curl "http://localhost:7000/spacecraft?pageSize=100&pageNumber=0"

Please note that to build this image, it has been used the multi-stage build approach. The final image consists of only a few megabytes (should be less than 10!). We also avoided including the Golang build tools by starting the final image from the scratch base image which is empty.

## cmd/elasticsearch (TBD)