
Tool to check url status

Primary LanguageGo


To check 60 urls status from the file url.txt. By default the output file name is url_list_status.txt located in the tmp/ folder of the project, it's possible to specify a different file name by using the flag -file, in case the file doesn't exist, it'll be created. This option cannot be used with the flag -split. The check can be performed in a sync mode which is the default way or in an async mode by specifying the flag -async. For each mode, it's possible to create a file for each domain by using the flag -split.


The result of each domain in a single file

go run cmd/url-check/main.go

Create a file for each domain

go run cmd/url-check/main.go -split

To specify a different file name

go run cmd/url-check/main.go -file=<FILENAME>


The result of each domain in a single file

go run cmd/url-check/main.go -async

Create a file for each domain

go run cmd/url-check/main.go -async -split

To specify a different file name

go run cmd/url-check/main.go -async -file=<FILENAME>

Web Server

To have better control over the URL answers, we've defined a custom web server with the following details. Those are the technical specs of our server:

  1. Hostname: localhost:8000
  2. HTTP verb to use: GET
  3. Endpoints:
    1. /health endpoint that immediately replies with the 200 status code
    2. /slowdown?wait=<numberOfSecondsToWait> endpoint that replies with the 200 status code after the amount of time specified in the query string is elapsed
    3. /broken endpoint that immediately replies with the 500 status code

To run the server:

go run cmd/web-server/main.go