
mah dotfilez

Primary LanguageShell


These are required, but have not yet been integrated into the steps below.


I'm writing this down because I'm worried I may be creating a cyclic relationship between mise and chezmoi. I intend that not to happen.

Install chezmoi using your package manager, eg:

$ brew install chezmoi

Then use chezmoi to bootstrap everything else:

$ chezmoi init https://github.com/ossareh/dotfiles.git
$ chezmoi install --yes

Ultimately you want to move to nix but you don't have time to work that out.


doom-emacs is your editor, you may have to run ./emacs/bin/doom install on a new machine

the intent is to start emacs in daemon mode: emacs --daemon and then connect to it with emacsclient -nw when you want to hack



# install zls and copy it into ~/bin
$ git clone github.com/zigtools/zls ~/dev/src/github.com/zigtools/zls
$ cd ~/dev/src/github.com/zigtools/zls && git checkout 0.13.0 # bump this if you bump zig
$ zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe && cp zig-out/bin/zls ~/bin


Assumes homebrew is installed

$ brew install chezmoi
$ chezmoi init https://github.com/ossareh/dotfiles.git
$ chezmoi apply -R
$ chsh -s `which zsh` `whoami`

restart your shell.