Runnable with or the usual dotnet build commands on a platform that has dotnet installed.
- Use a real DI framework
- use cli / console interaction framework
- add a UI
- consider other languages that Dwolla uses more frequently day to day (scala, python)
- find a weather api that supports swagger codegen
- handle other non-OK / 200 status codes as a normal case via some response object
- wrap part or all of HttpClient in an interface so mocking can be done at the level of http responses
- explore other ways of specifying the return deserialization type rather than anonymous type inference from example
- look into other ways of checking city validity such as the list of codes on the OpenWeather api site
- provide Self-contained executable / exe artifacts or others
- some sort of secret management or at least unhardcode api key and move to .config file
- more test cases for stuff like Des Moines Washington vs Des Moines IA and other same-name cities