
Simple and flexible NPM library for localizing your apps

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This NPM package created for simple and flexible localization of your applications.


npm install dk-i18n # you can use yarn or pnpm instead


import { I18N } from 'simple-i18n';

const i18n = new I18N({
  initLocale: "ua",
  fallbackLocale: "en"

i18n.addLocale("en", {
  hello: "Hello, {name}!",
  names: ["John", "Jane", "Joe"]

i18n.addLocale("ua", {
  hello: "Привіт, {name}!",
  names: ["Іван", "Іванна", "Іванко"]

console.log(i18n.t("hello", {}, { name: "John" })); // Привіт, John!

console.log(i18n.t("names.0")); // Іван

console.log(i18n.t("names"), { json: true }); // you also can get all translations as JSON


new I18N(options: I18NOptions)

Creates new instance of I18N class.

class I18N {
  options: I18NOptions;
  locales: Map<string, Locale>;
  currentLocale: string;
  constructor(options: I18NOptions);
  useLocale(locale: string): void;
  addLocale(name: string, locale: ILocale): void;
  t(key: string, options?: TranslationOptions, values?: TranslationValues): string | string[] | ILocale | undefined;

new Locale (locale: ILocale)

Creates new instance of Locale class.

class Locale {
  private locale;
  constructor(locale: ILocale);
  t(key: string, options?: TranslationOptions, values?: TranslationValues): string | string[] | ILocale | undefined;

interface I18NOptions

interface I18NOptions {
  initLocale?: string;
  fallbackLocale?: string;

interface ILocale

interface ILocale {
  [key: string]: string | string[] | ILocale;

interface TranslationOptions

interface TranslationOptions {
  json?: boolean;

interface TranslationValues

interface TranslationValues {
  [key: string]: string | number | boolean;