This a collection of templates for xbps-src and voidlinux. It contains packaging information for software that cannot get accepted in the official voidlinux-packages repository according to the manual. These are mainly but not exclusively:
- binary repacks for browsers and proprietary software
- themes
- fonts
- beta or -git versions for programms.
Some of the templates were proposed to void-packages and rejected. Since I (or friends) use them, I am maintaining them here. Anyone that wants to contribute is welcome.
In order to use the templates, clone the void-packages repo, copy the relevant directories inside srcpkgs/ and follow the standard procedure for building and installing a package. I suggest creating a separate branch for them.
The main hosting site for the repo is codeberg:
There are also mirrors in framagit and github:
Issues and PR/MRs are welcome on all of the above.