
Example usage of ossimMemoryImageSource

ghansham opened this issue · 13 comments


I have a general raster data along with its metadata (width, height, number of bands, nullpix value and data type) as a C buffer and I want to use this data in the image chain without dumping onto the disk and going via ossimGeneralRasterTileSource route.
Seems like ossimMemoryImageSource can help in this case. Kindly guide.
Can illustrate an example of how to populate ossimMemoryImageSource from the afore-mentioned C buffer.

Ghansham and Tushar

Thanks a lot. I am sure it will work for me. Meanwhile I have got some success in using concept of multi threaded programming for improving the reprojection of input image data to a given output projection. I am getting a speed up of 10 times when using 16 threads. I hope that may be useful to community. It is a proof of concept. Right now output is in memory. So wanted to use memoryImageSource.


I am not conversant with github. But can share the code making a tar ball out of it. Let me know how to share. May be by email.

Hi there..

The ossimImageData class returns all getSize*() functions ossim_uint32. For files> 4GB, it limits the buffers allocation. Do we have a better class to handle it.


Right now file size I am trying is 5.7GB.


Solution could be to make the getSize*() functions return type as ossim_uint64. But I dont know how much repercussions it will have on the overall library. I mean how many changes it will call for. Or we can make a imageData specialized class for large files.

Thanks a lot Sir. Can you share your email id. I wanted to share the improved code. My id is ghanshamsangar@gmail.com

Just out of curosity. Will the child classes of ossimImageData be effected by 64 bit offset changes?

Thanks Sir. This is working..