Write the code that returns a string backwards. For example, the string "hello world" should return "odnum aloh".
Create a one-dimensional array of Strings and loop through it, displaying only their values.
Create a two-dimensional array of integers and loop through it, displaying the position and value of each element in both dimensions.
Create a "Vector" of the data type you prefer, and add 5 elements to it. Remove the 2nd and 3rd element and show the final result.
It indicates what is the problem of using a Vector with the default capacity if we had 1000 elements to be added to it.
Creates an ArrayList of type String, with 4 elements. Copy it to a LinkedList. Loop through both displaying only the value of each element.
Create an ArrayList of type int, and using a loop fill it with elements 1..10. Then with another loop, go through it and remove the even numbers. Finally, it loops through it again and displays the final ArrayList. If you dare, you can do it in fewer steps, as long as you fulfill the first "for" padding.
Create a DivideByZero function. This must generate an exception ("throws") to its caller of type ArithmeticException that will be caught by its caller (from "main", for example). If the exception is fired, we will display the message "This cannot be done". Finally, we will show in any case: "Demo code".
Using InputStream and PrintStream, create a function that takes two parameters: "fileIn" and "fileOut". The task of the function will be to copy the file given in the "fileIn" parameter to the file given in "fileOut".
Amaze us by creating a program of your choice that uses an InputStream, a PrintStream, exceptions, a HashMap, and an ArrayList, LinkedList, or array.