
Template repository for deploying SRS to TKE(Tencent Kubernetes Engine)

MIT LicenseMIT


Template repository for deploying SRS to TKE(Tencent Kubernetes Engine).


Step 1: Create TKE cluster and user:

  1. Create a K8s cluster by TKE, check by command kubectl get namespace
  2. Create a new CAM user, with access AdministratorAccess

Step 2: Click the Use this template to create your repository, then set the secrets:

  1. TENCENT_CLOUD_SECRET_ID is the SecretId of CAM user.
  2. TENCENT_CLOUD_SECRET_KEY is the SecretKey of CAM user.
  3. TKE_CLUSTER_ID is the TKE K8s cluster ID at TKE > Basic Information.
  4. TKE_REGION is the region of cluster, for example, ap-beijing

Step 3: Run Actions to deploy to your K8s, for example, if your external IP is

Try to motify the srs.yaml, then push to your repository, your K8s will be updated automatically.