
:computer: Web UI for Open Source Society University

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a web UI for Open Source Society University

Build & development

To run this project locally you need nodejs installed. You also need Ruby, Sass and Compass. Head over here and follow the instructions to set up your environment.

After you got nodejs, Ruby, Sass and Compass install grunt and bower:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install -g bower

Then cd into project's directory and run npm install and bower install. This commands will download all required dependencies.

Now you can run grunt serve to start development server.


This project uses Firebase as a backend server. While the project is in development stage, our data can be changed / deleted / purged or whatever other bad thing can happen. So you can run it on your own instance of Firebase service. Path to Firebase is stored here app/scripts/angularfire/config.js in FBURL constant. You can change it as you need and have your own backend.


Currently the project is in its early stage. All the work is done inside dev branch.

You can submit your pull requests against dev branch according to standard github guidelines