
1. Create in root folder .env file and set next required parameter:

KEY_PASSWORD=...                # [required] password from private key file

Also you can set another environment variables:

DEBUG=app                   # turn on service logs into console; default: app
NODE_ENV=...                # dev|prod; default: prod
PORT=...                    # port number where you want to start server; default: 3000
WRITE_INTO_FILE=...         # true|false; if you need to store all data into files into {root}/resources; default: false
KEY_FILE_NAME=...           # name of private key file, which you will put into {root}/resources; default: key.dat
CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME=...   # name of certificate file, which you will put into {root}/resources; default: certificate.cer
SIGNED_DATA_FILE_NAME=...   # name of generated EDS file, which you will get to {root}/resources; default: signedData.p7s
PARSED_DATA_FILE_NAME=...   # file name of parsed response content from SFS; this file will write into {root}/resources; default: decrypted.txt

2. Copy key.dat and certificate.cer files to {root}/resources

3. Execute:

npm i
npm run start

Also, there is another command exists for starting watcher of server code changes:

npm run debug

Docker mode

1. Do the 1st and 2nd steps from Deployment section (see above).

2. Run from root folder:

sudo ./

3. Now you can call server from docker container with:


API description


All content, that is sent via POST method in request body, should be sent in UTF-8 encoding!

- Checking server accessibility:

route:      /
method:     GET
status: 200 OK
    "success": true

This route should work always!

- Sign data:

route:      /sign
method:     POST
body:       ...

Inside body you can send any string data, which you want to sign.

status: 200 OK
    "success": true,
    "data": "..."

data parameter comes as encoded base64 signed data.

- Decrypt data:

route:      /decrypt
method:     POST
body:       ...

Inside body you should send full response body from SFS, which is encoded base64 string.

status: 200 OK
    "success": true,
    "data": "..."

data parameter comes as encoded base64 string. It's decrypted response from SFS.

External responses if request wasn't processed successfully

  • If something happened on business logic, but it's not critical, and need to investigate server logs:
status: 200 OK
    "success": false
  • If sent data is not valid:
status: 400 Bad Request
    "success": false,
    "message": "Invalid parameters"
  • If route doesn't exist:
status: 404 Not Found
    "success": false,
    "message": "Route not found"
  • If requests limit from host is exceeded:
status: 429 Too Many Requests
    "success": false,
    "message": "Request limit exceeded"
  • If some server error happened:
status: 500 Internal Server Error
    "success": false,
    "message": "Server error"