This code is the implementation of the following paper accepted to the ICPR2020 Workshop on Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition (DLPR20):
DeepPBM: Deep Probabilistic Background Model Estimation from Video Sequences (
Authors: Amirreza Farnoosh, Behnaz Rezaei, and Sarah Ostadabbas Corresponding Author:
This code is tested on Python3.6, Pytorch 1.0 and CUDA 8.0 on Ubuntu 16.04. MATLAB R2016b.
The following dataset is used for experiments in the paper:
BMC2012 dataset:
title={A benchmark dataset for outdoor foreground/background extraction},
author={Vacavant, Antoine and Chateau, Thierry and Wilhelm, Alexis and Lequi{\`e}vre, Laurent},
booktitle={Asian Conference on Computer Vision},
After downloading the dataset, you should run to preprocess dataset and get .npy files.
You should run files for training the network for each specicfic video of BMC2012 dataset, and generating background images for each frame.
You should run MaskExtraction_BMC2012.m to generate binary foreground masks from generated background images from the previous steps.
You should run processVideoFolder.m , and then confusionMatrixToVar.m to generate quantitative results.
@article{farnoosh2020deeppbm, title={DeepPBM: deep probabilistic background model estimation from video sequences}, author={Farnoosh, Amirreza and Rezaei, Behnaz and Ostadabbas, Sarah}, journal={The Third International Workshop on Deep Learning for Pattern Recognition (DLPR20), in conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2020)}, year={2020} }
Sarah Ostadabbas, PhD Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115 Office Phone: 617-373-4992 Augmented Cognition Lab (ACLab) Webpage: