Heuristic Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Heuristic Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation

This is the official repository for:

Liu, S., Wan, M., & Ostadabbas, S. "Heuristic Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation." [arXiv link]

HW-HuP model

Environment Setup

Install packages listed in requirements.txt.

Data Preparation

Apply and download SLP dataset.

Apply and download the Human3.6M dataset. Needed only if you wanna generate Human3.6M result.

Apply and download the 3DPW dataset. Needed only if you wanna generate 3DPW result.

Apply and download the MPII dataset. Needed to fine tune Human3.6M as 2D part.

Download the SMPL model neutral model and extract to data/smpl. You have to rename these models to SMPL_[NEUTRAL|MALE|FEMALE].pkl respectively. In case you need to convert the models to be compatible with python3, please follow the instructions here.

Get the human36m regressor and pretrained model, etc by running . fetch_data.sh. We have kept the original SPIN extracted data on other datasets in case you want to include other data during your study.

Donwload the smoothed version of SLP depth data [link] and add the extracted content to SLP folder.

Extract the Human3.6M image and depth file by dataset/preprocess/h36m_2d_d.py

Model Deployment

We provide the pretrained models reported in our paper incuding SLP on RGB, IR, PM, depth, combined.

HW-HuP on Human3.6M [link]

Extract all the pretrained models under logs

Experiment on SLP

The script is compatible to Slurm managed cluster You can also run it via sh command accordingly. ATTENTION All scripts will trigger the specific virtual env in our setting. Please modify to your specific virtual env if needed.


RGB uncovered this setting is similar to common case used of original SPIN work (well illumiated RGB without heavy occlusion) : scripts/SLP_3D_vis_d.sbatch

Extend to a more difficult case that the subjects may be under darkness and heavy occlusion where we employ the non-RGB modalities and their possible combinations including [IR|depth|PM]: source scripts/allC/SLP_3D_vis_d.sbatch <exp_mod_name> <mod_name1> [mod_name2] ... First exp_mod_name for exp name generation, usually just same as mod_name.
then following the mod name list, can be one modality or multiple.

Evaluation for normal case RGB: source scripts/SLP_eval.sbatch <exp_name>

for cover and darkness conditions (non-RGB): source scripts/SLP_eval_allC.sbatch <exp_name> <mod_name1> [mod_name2]

Experiment on Human3.6M

Training scripts/h36m_2d_ft

Evaluation h36m_eval.sbatch [exp_name] You can employ exp_name: h36m_2d_ft_e4

Evaluation on 3DPW

scripts/3dpw_eval [exp_name] You can employ exp_name: h36m_2d_ft_e4


If you wanna your customized dataset, we also provide the depth smoothing script in datasets/preprocess/get_depth_dn for SLP dataset. You can customize it accordingly for your own dataset to apply HW-HuP.

Demo Result on Real application without 3D annotation

Real applicatioin on SLP dataset towards bed bound patient monitoring


Infant pose via a phone camera



This code refers to the following repositories. Please also respect their LICENSE for specific usage.




If you find this work helpful, please cite the following works.

  title={Heuristic Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation},
  author={Liu, Shuangjun and Wan, Michael and Ostadabbas, Sarah},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.10996},