Codes and experiments for the following paper:
Xiaofei Huang, Shuangjun Liu, Michael Wan, Nihang Fu, David Li Pino, Bharath Modayur, Sarah Ostadabbas, "Appearance-Independent Pose-Based Posture Classification in Infants"
Gross motor activities are one of the earliest observable signals of development in infants and automatic early screening for motor delays could improve infant development in a wide spectrum of domains. With such applications in mind, we present a two-phase data efficient and privacy-preserving pose-based posture classification framework. Our pipeline first produces 2D or 3D poses using algorithms we previously developed, and then feeds those poses into a posture classification network, which predicts one of four infant posture classes.
The code is developed using python 3.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.
Install pytorch = v1.7.0 with cuda 10.1 following official instruction.
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
(1) 2D keypoints ground truth and 3D corrected keypoints comes from SyRIP dataset.
(2) For 2D keypoints prediction, FiDIP model is applied to estimate infant 2D pose from image.
(3) For 3D keypoints prediction, HW-HuP-Infant mdoel for infant is applied to estimate infant 3D pose and camera parameters from image.
(4) Due to MIMM is a private datset please contact Early Markers company to obtain.
(5) pretained 2D pose-based and 3D pose-based posture classification models on SyFRIP dataset are placed in ckpts
python \
--test_pred /Root path of your saved 2D predicted pose data/SyRIP_2d_pred/keypoints_validate_infant_results_0.json \
--train_anno /Root path of your saved 2D groundtruth pose data/SyRIP/annotations/train600/person_keypoints_train_infant.json \
--test_anno /Root path of your saved 2D predicted pose data/SyRIP/annotations/validate100/person_keypoints_validate_infant.json \
--dir ./outputs
python \
--train_kpt /Root path of your saved 3D groundtruth pose data/SyRIP/test100_train600_3d/train600/correct_3D_600.npy \
--train_imgname /Root path of your saved 3D groundtruth pose data/SyRIP/test100_train600_3d/train600/output_imgnames_600.npy \
--val_kpt /Root path of your saved 3D predicted pose data/SyRIP/test100_train600_3d/validate100/output_pose_3D_100.npy \
--val_imgname /Root path of your saved 3D predicted pose data/SyRIP/test100_train600_3d/validate100/output_imgnames_100.npy \
--dir ./outputs
Here we only provide our 4-class (i.e. Supine, Prone, Sitting, and Standing) posture classification models. We are continue to expand to 5-class model, which includes Supine, Prone, Sitting, Standing, and All-Fours.
If you use our code or models in your research, please cite with:
- FiDIP for 2D Infant Pose Estimation
title={Invariant Representation Learning for Infant Pose Estimation with Small Data},
author={Huang, Xiaofei and Fu, Nihang and Liu, Shuangjun and Ostadabbas, Sarah},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2021},
month = {December},
year = {2021}
- HW-HUP for 3D Infant Pose Estimation
title={Heuristic Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation in Novel Contexts without Any 3D Pose Ground Truth},
author={Liu, Shuangjun and Huang, Xiaofei and Fu, Nihang and Ostadabbas, Sarah},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.10996},
Thanks for the interactive 3D annotation tool to help us create 3D weakly groundtruth pose of SyRIP dataset.
- This code is for non-commercial purpose only.
- For further inquiry please contact: Augmented Cognition Lab at Northeastern University: