
Prior-Aware Synthetic Data to the Rescue: Animal Pose Estimation with Very Limited Real Data (BMVC2022)

Primary LanguagePython

Prior-Aware Synthetic Data to the Rescue: Animal Pose Estimation with Very Limited Real Data

Authors: Le Jiang, Shuangjun Liu, Xiangyu Bai, Sarah Ostadabbas

Introduction | Framework | Main Results | Synthetic Animal Data Generation | Experiment | Acknowledgments


This repository is the official repository of Prior-Aware Synthetic Data to the Rescue: Animal Pose Estimation with Very Limited Real Data. We purposed a prior-aware synthetic animal data generation pipeline called PASyn to augment the animal pose data essential for robust pose estimation. PASyn generates a probabilistically-valid synthetic pose dataset, SynAP, through training a variational generative model on several animated 3D animal models. In addition, a style transfer strategy is utilized to blend the synthetic animal image into the real backgrounds. We evaluate the improvement made by our approach with three popular backbone networks and test their pose estimation accuracy on publicly available animal pose images as well as collected from real animals in a zoo.


Our proposed prior-aware synthetic data generation (PASyn) pipeline enables robust animal pose estimation under severe label scarcity and divergence. The architecture of PASyn is shown in Fig. 2, where we employ a graphic engine (i.e., Blender) to render the 3D animal mesh model into synthetic images. PASyn pipeline is composed of 3 key components: (1) pose data augmentation, (2) synthetic data stylization, and (3) synthetic animal pose im- age dataset generation. For more details, please refer to our paper.

Main Results

The effect of SynAP with limited real data of pose estimation results of three common backbones, HRNet-w32,EfficientNet-B6, and ResNet-50 tested on Zebra-300 (300 real images).

Method Backbone Train Set Average Eye Nose Neck Shoulders Elbows F-Paws Hips Knees B-Paws RoT
MMPose HRNet-w32 R(99) 78.7 97.3 95.8 83.2 78.8 77.1 62.6 86.0 74.9 59.8 82.4
MMPose HRNet-w32 R(99)+S(3K) 92.4 97.8 98.3 81.1 94.0 93.5 92.0 93.7 93.5 89.0 87.6
MMPose HRNet-w32 R(99)+S(5K) 91.6 97.5 96.9 81.8 89.6 91.3 90.7 94.1 94.1 90.4 86.0
DeepLabCut EfficientNet-B6 R(99) 83.6 93.7 96.2 82.5 91.4 80.8 67.4 88.1 84.5 71.8 83.2
DeepLabCut EfficientNet-B6 R(99)+S(3K) 87.6 95.1 97.9 81.5 90.1 83.3 75.5 93.2 89.3 83.9 86.8
DeepLabCut EfficientNet-B6 R(99)+S(5K) 89.2 94.1 92.6 80.8 90.8 87.0 85.7 90.5 93.3 88.3 86.8
MMpose ResNet-50 R(99) 76.9 96.2 96.9 80.8 59.0 71.3 71.2 88.5 78.2 59.3 85.2
MMpose ResNet-50 R(99)+S(3K) 86.7 95.6 95.8 69.9 87.3 84.3 84.3 90.8 91.2 84.4 77.2
MMpose ResNet-50 R(99)+S(5K) 84.4 97.0 97.9 74.5 85.3 84.2 84.5 94.6 91.4 88.0 85.6

The effect of SynAP with large set of real data in pose estimation results of HRNet-w32 \cite{hrnet} tested on Zebra-300 (300 real images).

Train Set Real Zebra Average Eye Nose Neck Shoulders Elbows F-Paws Hips Knees B-Paws RoT
R(8K)(SOTA) 91.4 97.5 97.2 79.4 87.8 90.3 93.8 95.3 94.1 89.5 86.6
R(8K)+S(3K) 93.8 97.3 98.3 79.0 93.1 94.9 96.0 95.3 96.7 93.3 89.6
R(8K)+S(5K) 94.2 97.3 97.6 81.1 93.7 95.7 96.0 96.6 96.0 94.3 87.6
R(8K) 78.3 79.7 87.7 37.4 77.6 80.0 87.6 82.0 86.4 81.3 67.2
R(8K)+S(3K) 88.2 94.8 96.2 67.1 90.8 87.9 90.2 87.6 91.6 89.7 77.6
R(8K)+S(5K) 90.2 97.5 96.2 66.1 91.6 89.5 93.8 93.9 93.5 91.1 77.6

Synthetic Animal Data Generation

If you want to generate your own synthetic dataset, please follow the [README.md] in the folder (Under construction).


To reproduce the results in the tables above, you have to follow the Readme.md for setup. There is the file structure of the AP-10K below.

├── mmpose
├── docs
├── tests
├── tools
├── configs
|── README.md
|── requirements.txt
|── data
    │── ap10k
        │-- annotations
        │   │-- ap10k-train-split1.json
        │   │-- ap10k-val-split1.json
        │   |-- ap10k-test-split1.json
        │   |-- ...      
        │-- data
        │   │-- 000000000001.jpg
        │   │-- 000000000002.jpg
        │   │-- ...


Please refer to install.md for Installation.

AP-10K Dataset

The dataset and corresponding files can be downloaded from [Google Drive]. Please unzip the dataset and place the dataset ap10k in the folder data under the root directory.

SynAP Dataset

For SynAp data, please download SynAP.zip from SynAP, which contains 3,000 synthetic zebra images and 3,600 synthetic images of 6 other animals, and different way to split the dataset. We provided the annotations for the splits of only 99 real zebra images, real images + 3000 SynAP zebra images, real images + 3000 syn zebra + 1800 other syn animal, as well as real images + full SynAP+ dataset. After you download the SynAP dataset, please put the images of SynAP in the folder where you keep AP-10K images.

├── annotations_99
├── annotations_99+3000 (SynAP)
├── annotations_99+3000+1800 (SynAP+)
├── annotations_99+3000+3600 (SynAP+)
├── cow_0000.jpg
|── cow_0001.jpg
|── cow_0002.jpg
|── ...

In order to know each split more intuitively, you can use the script provided by us:

python scripts/split.py 

Training on SynAP dataset

To train on SynAP dataset, please replace the annotations file ap10k-train-split1.json and ap10k-val-split1.json with the annotations we provided in SynAP before you start the training.

bash tools/dist_train.sh configs/animal/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/ap10k/hrnet_w32_ap10k_256x256.py 1

Test on Zebra-300 and Zebra-Zoo Dataset

  1. Train your own model or download our pretrained models HRNet-w32, which is trained with 99 real zebra images from AP-10K dataset and 3,000 synthetic zebra from SynAP dataset (the best model).
  2. Please download zebra-300.zip and zebra-zoo.zip from SynAP.
  3. Place the images in zebra-300/crop and zebra-zoo/crop in data/ap10k/data as well, and replace the ap10k-test-split1.json with the annotations we provided.
├── annotations
    │── annotations.json
    │── annotations.csv
├── crop
    │── 000000030372.jpg
    │── ...
├── raw
  1. Run the code provided by AP-10K:
python tools/test.py configs/animal/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/ap10k/hrnet_w32_ap10k_256x256.py <DET_CHECKPOINT_FILE>


If you use our code, datasets or models in your research, please cite with:

  title={Prior-Aware Synthetic Data to the Rescue: Animal Pose Estimation with Very Limited Real Data},
  author={Jiang, Le and Liu, Shuangjun and Bai, Xiangyu  and Ostadabbas, Sarah},
  booktitle={The British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},


Thanks for the open-source
