
Cron jobs made easy via webhook notifications

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Kronos allows you to periodically invoke your webhooks using cron expressions.


  • ⚡ Easy to use REST API to schedule your webhooks;
  • ⏰ Complex scheduling using cron expressions;
  • 📬 Prometheus integration for getting failures notifications.

Build (Go 1.9+)

Run the following command

foo@bar$ make build

to build an executable which will be output to the bin subfolder.

Yaml file configuration

  level: INFO
  format: JSON

port: 9175

  path: "/path/to/db/file" # default is kronos.bolt

Docker compose configuration

    image: ghcr.io/ostafen/kronos
      - '9175:9175'
      - PORT=9175 # configuration properties can be overridden through environment variables
      - STORE_PATH=/data/kronos.bolt
      - ./data:/data

Registering a periodic schedule

To start getting some webhook notifications, let's add a new schedule which will be notified every minute:

curl -X POST localhost:9175/schedules -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d \
    "title": "sample-schedule",
    "description": "a sample schedule description",
    "cronExpr": "0/1 * * * *",
    "url": "your-webhook-address",
    "isRecurring": true,
    "startAt": "2023-02-19T11:34:00Z",
    "endAt": "2023-02-19T11:38:00Z"

On success, the response of the server will be similar to the following:

    "id": "1e6d146b-e3b7-4e5c-b7ce-b7b2860f461b",
    "title": "sample-schedule",
    "status": "not_started",
    "description": "a sample schedule description",
    "cronExpr": "0/1 * * * *",
    "url": "your-webhook-address",
    "metadata": null,
    "isRecurring": true,
    "createdAt": "2023-02-19T12:32:30.788562107+01:00",
    "runAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "startAt": "2023-02-19T11:34:00Z",
    "endAt": "2023-02-19T11:38:00Z",
    "nextScheduleAt": "2023-02-19T11:34:00Z",

The above table contains the full list of supported fields:

Parameter Required Description
title true the name of your schedule. It must be unique.
description false an optional description of your schedule.
isRecurring false whether the schedule is recurring or not.
cronExpr if isRecurring = true cron expression for recurring schedules.
url true webhook notification endpoint.
runAt if isRecurring = false for non-recurring schedules, it indicates the instant the schedule will be triggered at.
startAt false UTC start date of the schedule. Must be equal to runAt if isRecurring = false.
endAt false UTC end date of the schedule. Must be equal to runAt if isRecurring = false.
metadata false optional metadata which will be sent when triggering a webhook.


  • POST /schedules - Register a new schedule
  • GET /schedules/{id} - Get details about an already existing schedule
  • DELETE /schedules/{id} - Delete a schedule
  • POST /schedules/{id}/pause - Pause an active schedule
  • POST /schedules/{id}/resume - Resume a paused schedule
  • POST /schedules/{id}/trigger - Immediately trigger a notification for a given schedule


Stefano Scafiti @ostafen


Kronos source code is available under the MIT License.