
OST KYC SDK for Java

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


The official OST KYC JAVA SDK.



To use this node module, developers will need to:

  1. Login on https://kyc.ost.com/admin/login.
  2. Obtain an API Key and API Secret from https://kyc.ost.com/admin/settings/developer-integrations.




Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Building from source using Maven

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/ostdotcom/ost-kyc-sdk-java.git
cd ost-kyc-sdk-java

Package using MVN (without dependencies)

mvn clean pacakge -DskipTests

With dependencies

mvn clean compile assembly:single -DskipTests

The jar file can be found in the target folder.

Example Usage

Initialize the SDK object:

// the latest valid API endpoint is "https://kyc.sandboxost.com", this may change in the future
HashMap <String,Object> sdkConfig = new HashMap<String,Object>();

// The config field is optional for sdkConfig Object
HashMap <String,Object> nestedparam = new HashMap<String,Object>();
// This is the timeout in seconds for which the socket connection will remain open
// The value of timeout will always be of type long
nestedparam.put("timeout", (long) 15);
sdkConfig.put("config", nestedparam);

OSTKYCSDK ostObj = new OSTKYCSDK(sdkConfig);
com.ost.kyc.services.v2.Manifest services = (com.ost.kyc.services.v2.Manifest) ostObj.services;

Users Module

com.ost.kyc.services.v2.User userService = services.user;

Create a new user:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("email", "email@domain.com");
JsonObject response = userService.create( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Get an existing user:

HashMap <String,Object> params = new HashMap<String,Object>();
params.put("id", "11007");
JsonObject response = userService.get( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Get a list of existing users and other data:

HashMap <String,Object> params = new HashMap<String,Object>();
JsonObject response = userService.list( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

UsersKyc Module

com.ost.kyc.services.v2.UsersKyc usersKycService = services.usersKyc;

Get an existing user kyc:

HashMap <String,Object> params = new HashMap<String,Object>();
params.put("user_id", "11007");
JsonObject response = usersKycService.get( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Create/Update a new user kyc:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("user_id", "11052");
params.put("first_name", "YOGESH");
params.put("last_name", "SAWANT");
params.put("birthdate", "29/07/1992");
params.put("country", "INDIA");
params.put("document_id_number", "ABCD123");
params.put("document_id_file_path", "2/i/016be96da275031de2787b57c99f1471");
params.put("selfie_file_path", "2/i/9e8d3a5a7a58f0f1be50b7876521aebc");
params.put("ethereum_address", "0x04d39e0b112c20917868ffd5c42372ecc5df577b");
params.put("estimated_participation_amount", "1.2");
params.put("residence_proof_file_path", "2/i/4ed790b2d525f4c7b30fbff5cb7bbbdb");
params.put("city", "pune");
params.put("nationality", "INDIAN");
params.put("state", "maharashtra");
params.put("postal_code", "411028");
JsonObject response = usersKycService.submit_kyc( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Send Approve Email to User:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("user_id", "11550");
JsonObject response = usersKycService.email_approve( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Send Deny Email to User:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("user_id", "11550");
JsonObject response = usersKycService.email_deny( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Send Report Issue Email to User:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("user_id", "11550");
JsonObject response = usersKycService.email_report_issue( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Get a list of existing users kyc and other data:

HashMap <String,Object> params = new HashMap<String,Object>();
JsonObject response = usersKycService.list( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Get an existing Presigned URL via POST call:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
HashMap <String, String> nestedparams = new HashMap<String, String>();
nestedparams.put("selfie", "image/jpeg");
params.put("files", nestedparams);
JsonObject response = usersKycService.get_presigned_url_post( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Get an existing Presigned URL via PUT call:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
HashMap <String, String> nestedparams = new HashMap<String, String>();
nestedparams.put("selfie", "image/jpeg");
params.put("files", nestedparams);
JsonObject response = usersKycService.get_presigned_url_put( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

UsersKycDetail Module

com.ost.kyc.services.v2.UsersKycDetail usersKycDetailService = services.usersKycDetail;

Get an user kyc detail:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("user_id", "11052");
JsonObject response = usersKycDetailService.get( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );

Validators Module

com.ost.kyc.services.v2.Validators validatorService = services.validators;

Verify Ethereum Address:

HashMap <String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("ethereum_address", "0x7f2ED21D1702057C7d9f163cB7e5458FA2B6B7c4");
JsonObject response = validatorService.verify_ethereum_address( params );
System.out.println("response: " + response.toString() );