Ubuntu LandScape Docker Container
This container runs the Ubuntu landscape server components
- Landscape requires a postgres 9.3/9.4 server with plpython and the debversion modules installed
- A rabbitmq server is also required as the message bus between the various components
There is a placeholer certificate in the files/certs directory which gets added to the container and used by apache for the SSL endpoint.
This has a common name of 'landscape-server'. This should be replaced with a valid certificate and key
#Running locally
There is a docker compose file which will bring up a landscape server, this will bring up the landscape server on port 80/443 on your docker host
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
It does the following:
Postgres database server
Create a postgres container based off of the official 9.4 version with plpython and debversion installed
docker build -t postgres .
docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password postgres
Rabbitmq server
Create a rabbitmq container that will be linked in, which has the management module enables so you can access it via a web console
docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
Landscape container creation
Then it build the landscape container, this container is based on ubuntu:14.04, this will link the postgres container into the landscape container and use that, if you have an external postgres instance you would just set the variables that are required
docker build -t landscape-server
docker run -d --link postgres:postgres --link rabbitmq:rabbitmq -e INITIALIZE_SCHEMA=yes -e DB_USER=postgres -e DB_PASS=password -e DB_LANDSCAPE_PASS=password -p 80:80 -p 443:443 landscape-server
Valid commands for the landscape container
- app:schema - This will create the landscape user and schema but not start the application
- app:start - This starts the application, this is also the default action
#Variables that can be set
Variable | Default | Usage |
STARTUP_WAIT_TIME | empty | Wait number of seconds before starting process, useful for waiting for other services to come up |
INITIALIZE_SCHEMA | empty | If set this will create the database schema or confirm it is valid |
DB_HOST | empty | The postgres server hostname |
DB_PORT | 5432 | The postgres server port |
DB_LANDSCAPE_PASS | password | The landscape user password |
DB_USER | landscape | The postgres super user, this user is used for schema creation |
DB_PASS | landscape | The postgres super user password |
DB_NAME | postgres | The default database name for testing connectivity |
RMQ_HOST | empty | The rabbitmq server hostname |
RMQ_PORT | 5672 | The rabbitmq server amqp port |
RMQ_USER | guest | The rabbitmq user |
RMQ_PASS | guest | The rabbitmq password |
RMQ_VHOST | default | The vhost to be used by the message broker |