Well, Foton is dead now. I managed to pass the tech challenge, but didn't accept any position back then. I hope this might be useful for the ones seeking to learn.

Foton Fullstack Challenge


Proposed design can be accessed from a mobile device or from your browser's DevTool.

Due to Heroku Free Plan limitations, it might take a while for the app to work properly after first access.

Admin account credentials were sent by email if desired to use ADD BOOK feature.


  • TypeScript
  • Yarn Workspaces
  • Webpack
  • Back-end:
    • Node.js
    • Express
    • TypeORM
    • TypeDI (IoC container)
    • MySQL
    • Heroku
  • Front-end:
    • ReactJS
    • Styled Components
    • axios
    • react-router-dom
    • react-hook-form
    • react-toastify
    • GitHub Pages

Running Locally


  1. Navigate to back-end package folder (packages/server)
  2. Install dependencies with yarn install
  3. Create a .env file based on .env.example.
  4. Execute all db migrations with yarn typeorm migration:run
  5. Run yarn start


  1. Navigate to front-end package folder (packages/web)
  2. Install dependencies with yarn install
  3. If needed, change API base url in src/services/ApiClient.ts
  4. Run yarn start


  • All mandatory features specified here
  • Simple responsiveness on large screens
  • User accounts with sign up, sign in and log out
  • Search feature works both for titles and authors
  • RBAC on add books route

ADD BOOK feature requires an Admin account whose credentials were sent by email. This decision was took to prevent malicious people from adding unwanted content to the application.


According to Wakatime, the entire development took 37.5 hours.