An Android MQTT client that regularly publishes messages to notify about the device's presence
- 4
Configured send message
#63 opened by Gidrogen - 2
- 0
#64 opened by Camisanto2 - 0
Ability to filter beacons
#41 opened by smashteevee - 3
no beacons found on Samsung S22
#62 opened by robotsmiki - 1
Use wildcard for allowed connected networks
#36 opened by linker3000 - 1
Layout problem in the add message page
#55 opened by CheJuJu - 1
Layout problem in the add message page
#54 opened by CheJuJu - 3
Cryptographic APIs misuses
#49 opened by misterAnderson90 - 1
#58 opened by asgardkali - 1
Bugs in the detection engine
#38 opened by AtmanActive - 1
Take account of beacons' proximity
#33 opened by lgnap - 1
Using wildcards for BT MAC address
#31 opened by t-lie - 0
App crashes after publishing on Android 10
#56 opened by qorron - 2
- 3
alarm clock
#46 opened by tomamplius - 0
Publish GPS Location
#43 opened by jecxjo - 3
Enhanced message format
#30 opened by kroseneg - 1
Feature suggestion: log levels (filtering)
#39 opened by AtmanActive - 1
Use without checking wifi?
#42 opened by LM1LC3N7 - 1
Feature request: LWT
#29 opened by cb33 - 2
Can't select client certificates
#28 opened by numericOverflow - 2
F-Droid fails to build
#27 opened by licaon-kter - 12
v2.0.0 crashes on startup
#21 opened by gpbenton - 4
Feature Request: Retain option
#26 opened by hamstie - 0
Improve client certificate authentication
#15 opened by ostrya - 4
- 20
Beacon scan returns no beacons in range
#22 opened by hubertbanas - 0
- 0
App schedules next run in the past sometimes
#23 opened by ostrya - 3
Add iBeacon detection and publishing
#6 opened by hubertbanas - 0
Release 1.7.0 is missing Paho library
#19 opened by ostrya - 2
Fix WiFi name selection in Android 10
#17 opened by ostrya - 6
Crashes when trying to select networks
#16 opened by darkphoenix - 4
Mininum period increased to 15 mins
#13 opened by gpbenton - 2
#14 opened by gerroon - 4
App ist not ablesbar top determine Position on Samsung Note8 After Update top android9
#4 opened by anka112 - 0
- 2
Publish battery level
#10 opened by zuckschwerdt - 0
Multi select wifi networks
#7 opened by Lukeomichael - 0
Add option to set payload
#1 opened by gpbenton - 1
Show seconds of the publish period setting
#5 opened by vanous - 3
Add username password
#2 opened by cnerone