TeamDynamix Asset Sync


This repository contains a collection of scripts used for syncing assets from SCCM and Casper to TeamDynamix.

Script Information

The script is ran automatically through a Cron job. To configure or view this file, type crontab -e on the production server. Currently, both SCCM and Casper sync every 10 minutes. SCCM will sync on every '5' of the hour, while Casper will sync on every '0' of the hour.

The log files for both Casper and SCCM syncs can be found in: /home/pm2/.pm2/logs/

Vendor and Manufacturer Files

TeamDynamix requires new vendor and manufacturer data to be uploaded manually via XLSX. Unfortunately, it does not check for duplicate entries, so the export vendors script (./export-vendors.js) utilizes the TD API to generate a list of vendors and manufacturers which do not yet exist in TD. This generates an XLSX file.

Generating Vendor and Manufacturer Files

To generate the XLSX for upload, simply run the following command:

$NODE_ENV=production node export-vendors.js