
The Ohio State University Libraries Image Management System

Primary LanguageRuby

University Libraries Image Management System



Note: If you install ImageMagick using homebrew, you may need to add a switch for libtiff:

$ brew install imagemagick --with-libtiff

Or else you may get errors like this when you run the specs:
Magick::ImageMagickError: no decode delegate for this image format (something.tif)

$ bundle install

$ cp config/secrets.yml.sample config/secrets.yml
#!!! Important. Open config/initializer/secret_token.rb and generate a new id
$ cp config/devise.yml.sample config/devise.yml
#!!! Important. Open config/devise.yml and generate a new id

$ cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
$ cp config/solr.yml.sample config/solr.yml
$ cp config/redis.yml.sample config/redis.yml
$ cp config/fedora.yml.sample config/fedora.yml

$ bundle exec rake db:schema:load
$ bundle exec rake db:seed

Get Hydra-Jetty

Only do this once or if you want to clear out existing data in Fedora/Solr.

$ bundle exec rake jetty:clean
$ bundle exec rake jetty:config

Install fits.sh

Go to http://code.google.com/p/fits/downloads/list and download a copy of fits to /usr/local/bin, and unpack it.

    % cd /usr/local/bin
    % wget https://fits.googlecode.com/files/fits-0.6.2.zip
    % unzip fits-0.6.2.zip

Add execute permissions to fits.sh

    % cd fits-0.6.2
    % sudo chmod a+x fits.sh

Install on Webserver

A copy of fits is already on /mnt/common

sudo cp -r /mnt/common/fits-0.6.2 /home/rails
sudo ln -s /home/rails/fits-0.6.2/fits.sh /usr/bin/fits

Java also needs installed if it is not already

Next: Google Analytics

If you are using google analytics,

Copy config/analytics.yml.template to config/analytics.yml:

    % cd config
    % cp analytics.yml.sample analytics.yml

Edit config/analytics.yml - populate the values with the google analytics id (typically of the form UA-12345678-9, and populate the OAuth values provided for the project in the Google Developers console. See the README at https://github.com/projecthydra/sufia for additional guidance on setting up the project with Google Analytics (however, you do not need to run the sufia:models:usagestats generator).

Additionally, once you create the client ID and google generates a client email address, go to the google analytics admin page, select the account, click on User Management, add the client email address and grant it Read & Analyze permissions. (See https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1009702?hl=en for more information)

Next: Browse-everything

Copy config/browse_everything_providers.yml.template to config/browse_everything_providers.yml and populate with application keys required by each provider.

    % cd config
    % cp browse_everything_providers.yml.sample browse_everything_providers.yml

and edit browse_everything_providers.yml . As noted at the browse-everything repo (https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/browse-everything/wiki/Configuring-browse-everything), you must register your application with each cloud provider separately:

* Skydrive: https://account.live.com/developers/applications/create
* Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/create
* Box: https://app.box.com/developers/services/edit/
* GoogleDrive: https://code.google.com/apis/console

Note that the application must be configured with each of the above providers with a redirect URI of:

     https://<MY SERVER URL>:<PORT>/browse/connect

Dropbox, Box, and Skydrive now require the redirect URI to be HTTPS, not HTTP.

Configure Contact form emailing

In order to enable the contact form page to send email when the user clicks Send, set the following properties in config/initializers/sufia.rb :

  • config.action_mailer.contact_email
  • config.action_mailer.from_email

Copy config/initializers/setup_mail.rb.template to config/initializers/setup_mail.rb . Set the SMTP credentials for the user as whom the app will send email.

Questioning Authority (Authority Control, Controlled Vocabulary)

See ReadMe for adding existing Authority Sources like Library of Congress ReadMe

Running locally

There are two ways to start the IMS and its dependencies for local development, manually or using Foreman. Once started, the application will be available at http://localhost:3000.

Manual start

Each process (except Hydra-Jetty) must be started in its own terminal session.

$ bundle exec rake jetty:start
$ bundle exec redis-server
$ RUN_AT_EXIT_HOOKS=true TERM_CHILD=1 QUEUE=* bundle exec rake resque:work
$ bundle exec rails s

Start with Foreman

Foreman can be used to start sevel dependencies in one terminal session. The Rails server will still need to be started manually in its own terminal window.

$ bundle exec foreman start
$ bundle exec rails s

Initial user account configuration

Once the application has been started, an intial administrative user account must be created.

Create account

Start the Rails server and navigate to http://localhost:3000/users/sign_in.

  • Click Login
  • Click Sign up
  • Complete form

Assign admin privileges

From Rails Console

$ bundle exec rails c

> role = Role.find_by_name('admin')
> user = User.find_by_email('[your email]')
> user.roles = [role]
> user.update(:group_list => 'admin')

Local Authorities

Create a .yml file in config/authorities named for the authority it represents (units.yml, states.yml) and populate with options

Query it using the file's name as the sub-authority


Results are in JSON

[{"id":"Billy Ireland Cartoon Library \u0026 Museum","label":"Billy Ireland Cartoon Library \u0026 Museum"}]

Return entire list:



When a form requires a drop down list you can add the authority to a helper which makes using it easier.

In helpers/application_helper.rb

  def units
    Qa::Authorities::Local.sub_authority('units').terms.map do |element|
      [element[:term], element[:id]]

In form

<%= f.select :unit, options_for_select(units), {prompt: 'Please select a unit', label: 'Unit'}, {required: true, :class => 'form-control'} %>


Add to model datastream

has_attributes :unit, datastream: :descMetadata, multiple: false


Unless otherwise noted, this project and all content within is Copyright © 2016 The Ohio STate University