

  1. for each change to db, make the corresponding change to the active admin panel
  2. run tests! (bundle exec rspec spec/) before each push to make sure you havent broken anything (I will run the tests too)
  3. If you have access to heroku, run the migration after each push (wait 2 minutes for app to deploy automatically)
  4. UPDATE API documentation every time you make a change!

Users' credentials

Admin: / 1q2w3e4r

User: / 1q2w3e4r

Deploy (only for test environments)

Ruby installation

Ruby installation on Ubuntu based distibutions much more painless than under ReadHat based

It's better to use rbenv, in case of any issues see rbenv/rbenv.

Then install Ruby 2.2.4

rbenv install 2.2.4

Disable gem documentation auto installing

echo 'gem: --no-document' >> ~/.gemrc

Project installation

Get code and modules

git clone
cd canopeez-api
bundle install

If bundle install fails you probably need to install additional system dependancies manually (it depends on you default installed system packages like Node.js, kernel headers, libxml, etc.). After installing it run bundle install again until you will get message Your bundle is complete!

Prepare DB

bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed