
php wrapper cookbook for opscode php

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

osl-php Cookbook


  • node['osl-php']['ius_archive_versions'] - A list tracking versions of PHP that have moved into IUS's archive repo. The recipe should be updated when new versions on this list reach EOL: https://ius.io/LifeCycle/#php
  • node['osl-php']['use_ius'] - Use PHP packages from IUS Community repositories when true. Defaults to false.
  • node['osl-php']['use_opcache'] - Use Zend Opcache to cache compiled PHP scritps. Defaults to false.
  • node['osl-php']['packages'] - PHP packages to install that don't begin with a PHP prefix ("php-", "php56u-", "php71u-", etc.). Prefixed packages should be put in the php_packages attribute instead.
  • node['osl-php']['php_packages'] - PHP packages to install with prefixed names ("php-", "php56u-", "php71u-", etc.), specified without these prefixes. Packages with this naming convention should be specified here instead of the packages attribute. See Usage for details.



Installs PHP packages (see below), updates upstream's default pear channels, and creates a php.ini configuration. This recipe will also install Zend Opcache ifuse_opcache is true, and the php is compatible (5.5 or greater). Use the node['osl-php']['opcache'] hash to set parameters for Zend Opcache.


Adds Opcache package to node['osl-php']['php_packages'] and configures Zend Opcache's ini. Don't include this recipe directly, it gets included by the default recipe. use_opcache should be set to true to enable Zend Opcache. If true, php must be v5.5 or greater. Include osl-php::default after setting the proper attributes.


Installs APC using the hash node['osl-php']['apc'] to configure it's ini in the exact same manner as opcache. This is not compatible with PHP packages from IUS Community repos, so an exception will be raised if node['osl-php']['use_ius'] is true.


The packages recipe uses three of the four attributes described above (use_ius, packages, and php_packages). use_ius should be set to true or false depending on whether PHP packages from IUS Community repos should be used.

The primary PHP package and pear package are installed by this recipe automatically, and do not have to be specified in attributes. The packages and php_packages attributes are for additional PHP packages.

Most PHP packages have a prefix in their names, like "php-memcached". Packages from IUS have versioned prefixes, like "php56u-memcached" or "php71u-memcached". Packages that have these prefixes should be added to php_packages without the prefix. Instead of adding "php-memcached" or "php71u-memcached", "memcached" would be added. The recipe will handle adding the proper prefixes, depending on node['php']['version'] (when using IUS).

PHP-related packages that don't have this prefix should be placed in the packages attribute.


node.default['osl-php']['use_ius'] = false
node.default['osl-php']['php_packages'] = %w(devel cli)
include_recipe 'osl-php::packages'

will install php, php-devel, php-cli, and php-pear.

node.default['php']['version'] = '5.6'
node.default['osl-php']['use_ius'] = true
node.default['osl-php']['use_opcache'] = true
node.default['osl-php']['opcache']['opcache.enable_cli'] = 'true'
node.default['osl-php']['opcache']['opcache.memory_consumption'] = 512
include_recipe 'osl-php'

will install php56u, php56u-opcache, and add opcache.enable_cli=true, opcache.memory_consumption=512 to the opcache's ini file.

node.default['php']['version'] = '5.6'
node.default['osl-php']['use_ius'] = true
node.default['osl-php']['php_packages'] = %w(devel cli)
include_recipe 'osl-php::packages'

will install php56u, php56u-devel, php56u-cli, and php56u-pear.

node.default['php']['version'] = '7.1'
node.default['osl-php']['use_ius'] = true
node.default['osl-php']['php_packages'] = %w(devel cli)
include_recipe 'osl-php::packages'

will install php71u, php71u-devel, php71u-cli, and pear1u.


Installs APC. This is not compatible with PHP packages from IUS Community repos, so an exception will be raised if node['osl-php']['use_ius'] is true.



This resource is used to create ini files for php configuration.


  • :create - Default action. Creates an ini file at the location specified by the name property with the configuration passed to the options property, while applying other properties.
  • :remove - Removes an ini file at the location specified by the name property.


Name Type Default Description Required?
path String Name Path to place ini file true
options Hash { } A hash for configuring the ini file. A basic hash with keys and values of type string will render the file with 'key'='value'. Nesting a basic hash so the key is string and the value is another hash will create a section with the string as the name, and the hash value will render with 'key'='value' true
mode String '0644' Unix file mode of .ini file false